Drummers Sharing Tips, Tricks and Knowledge on subjects such as Drum Tuning, Drum Rudiments, Paradiddles, Shuffles, Groove Ideas,
Drum Kit Dynamics, Drum Fills, Triplets, Drum Micing, Drum Recording, Changing Drum Heads and so much more.
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Существует мнение, что количество повторений необходимо постоянно изменять: сегодня 6-8, завтра – 15-20. При малом числе повторений, мол, лучше прорабатываются «быстрые» волокна, то есть «силовые» компоненты мышц. А когда вы делаете много повторений, нагрузка перемещается на «медленные» волокна, отвечающие за выносливость. Однако есть и другая точка зрения: чтобы действительно нагрузить медленные волокна, необходимо делать сотни повторений – десятки тут не помогут. «Выносливые» компоненты мышечных волокон если и увеличатся в своем объеме, то крайне незн... more...
by SJDrummer on 07/10/2012 | 11,677 Views | 2 Comments
I wanted to put together a few lesson/tutorial videos about some of my favorite grooves. Here are two of my all-time favorite grooves, which also happened to be unique forms of the classic half-time shuffle. First is Jason McGerr's half-time shuffle from "Grapevine Fires," followed by Darren King's chorus groove from the song, "You Are Mine."My Setup:Pearl Session Custom (12" 14" toms)22" KickBenny Greb Snare 13" x 5.75"Sabian HHX Evo 18" o zone crashHHX Evo 17" crash21" AAX Stage RideVintage Sabian Hand Hammered Dark Hats 14"
i’m doing this for about 5 minutes before i play the drums
by KJRIAS on 04/29/2012 | 5,275 Views | 4 Comments
Drum Fills Hey guys. New here to the forum. Check out this drum fill idea, & keep playing! Rias
by Drummeretc on 08/22/2011 | 5,742 Views | 3 Comments
This is a lesson on the Abakua, a rhythm that comes from an Afro-Cuban men's secret society. The history is as cool as the groove! The Abakua
by Drummeretc on 08/11/2011 | 6,556 Views | 2 Comments
Love this groove that they laid down...so I thought I'd break it down for ya! See the rest of my lessons at: http://www.youtube.com/user/DrummerEtc?feature=mhee Or read my blog at www.DrummerEtc.com
by Drummeretc on 08/09/2011 | 5,582 Views | 4 Comments
A quick one on how to tune your drumkit...my methods anyhow. How To Tune Your Drumset
Download the pdf at: www.thedrumninja.com Rhythm: 8th note triplets Sticking: R/LFR/L, FR/LF, R/LFR/L, FR/LF. Both hand play in unison with the bass drum in between. As you’ll see in the video below Tony also plays it with the bass drum and hi-hat in unison. Count: One-tri-plet, Two-tri-plet, Three-tri-plet, Four-tri-plet Now Kill It! DN
by Drummeretc on 07/11/2011 | 5,661 Views | 1 Comments
A quick lesson on the Tap Flam Rudiment. Check out my blog here: www.DrummerEtc.com and my You Tube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/DrummerEtc?feature=mhee To pick up a copy of my book "Functioning In Time", go here: http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/functioning-in-time/15926951