Drummers Sharing Tips, Tricks and Knowledge on subjects such as Drum Tuning, Drum Rudiments, Paradiddles, Shuffles, Groove Ideas,
Drum Kit Dynamics, Drum Fills, Triplets, Drum Micing, Drum Recording, Changing Drum Heads and so much more.
by SJDrummer on 07/10/2012 | 12,723 Views | 2 Comments
I wanted to put together a few lesson/tutorial videos about some of my favorite grooves. Here are two of my all-time favorite grooves, which also happened to be unique forms of the classic half-time shuffle. First is Jason McGerr's half-time shuffle from "Grapevine Fires," followed by Darren King's chorus groove from the song, "You Are Mine."My Setup:Pearl Session Custom (12" 14" toms)22" KickBenny Greb Snare 13" x 5.75"Sabian HHX Evo 18" o zone crashHHX Evo 17" crash21" AAX Stage RideVintage Sabian Hand Hammered Dark Hats 14"
For today’s lesson I’ll discuss several different concepts on practicing with the click. Topics included, tips on how to get more from your practice time with the click, ways to better lock with the click track, the importance of using the click track, as well as the benefits and downside. This one’s a bit long but worth the watch. Enjoy!
In today’s lesson, I’ll break down and explain the Triple Ratamacue. Enjoy!
For today’s lesson we’re going to expand our rhythms for the kick drum in this groove setting. We’re still playing a steady flow of 16th notes phrased as Paradiddles with accents on beats 2 and 4. The idea is to download the PDF file that has 12 one bar patterns to practice playing on the kick drum. These rhythms are getting busier so it’s also a great workout for your kick drum as well. Enjoy!
In today’s lesson we’re going to continue breaking up the rhythms between the kick and snare. Now, all quarter notes and last triplets only will be played on the snare and all first and last triplets will be played on the kick. Remember to concentrate on keeping a nice steady swing ride pattern with 2 and 4 on the hi-hat. Be sure to print the PDF download to get all 12 one bar patterns to practice. Enjoy!
In today’s lesson we’re going to get busier with the kick drum pattern. It’s time to introduce some 16th note rhythms on the kick drum. This is going to require some independence, so if this is new to you remember to slow everything down and go at your own pace. Don’t forget to download the PDF file for the kick drum patterns to workout with.
Today’s lesson is going to add some more ghost notes to our hand pattern. These two tiny notes really help to propel the groove forward. Don’t forget to download the PDF file for the kick drum patterns to workout with. Enjoy!
We’re adding two more patterns to workout with on the kick drum. These rhythms are getting funky! We’re also getting busier with our rhythms as well by introducing our first three note possibility. Remember to slow this stuff down and make sure everything feels good before you move on to another rhythm or speed up the groove. Make sure you print the PDF file to get all 12 one bar grooves.
For Part 2, we’re going to add two new rhythmic figures to explore around the kit as fills. We’re still going to get use to these rhythms by practicing them on the snare drum only at first. Once comfortable, we’ll begin to move them around the kit. Remember to be creative and enjoy the journey!
Today’s lesson will take a look at playing the & or up beat pattern on the hi-hat during a groove. For now the snare will continue to play a nice solid rim shot for beats 2 & 4. This can feel a little strange if it’s your first time trying this. We’re going to ease into this by only playing 8th note figures on the kick drum for now. Don’t forget to download the PDF file for 12 one bar grooves to practice. Enjoy!