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Hi again my drumming friends.
My wee Blog this time is about warm ups. Do you do them, do you jump straight in or do you go gentle with some soft stuff and work up into playing what you want to play or practice????
For me it all starts with a simple wee warm up. This is something I picked up from my mate Chris,
It all starts with my click track at 120bpm, I start with single round the kick going from the snare to the 1st tom and working round the kit always returning to the snare on 1. I do this for about 1 minute. Then move onto double strokes doing the same thing round the kit working on this for 1 minute, once this is don’t I knock the speed up and got to 140bpm and start again at double and this is where it all gets fun. (yes you may think this is slow but there is method to this) I then move on to triplets and start again on the snare at 1 and work round the kit with each tome on 2-3-4 back to snare. I work this for a good 2-3 minutes and then knock the speed up again to 150bpm. Carry this on for another minute or 2 and then that’s me done.
Pick a tune and start playing, I found this was a great wee warm up and gets you moving round the kit and more in time with the click track which helps with playing along with tunes and with live playing too.
Hope this helps you all.
If you have any warm up methods then please share them, it’s always nice to find other ways to warm up.
Cheers, Titch Davidson (co-founder of thedrumninja.com)
Drummer Comments (6)
[+] Add CommentTitch Davidson Says warm up
Submitted On: Tuesday, Nov 23, 2010 - 6:29 AM
Johnny, thanks for posting.
Thats a good way to warm up you got there, 1 warm up that i have used lately is a bowl of hot water, may sound silly, but it works, a nice warm bowl of water, get your hands deep in there and rest them in there for 2-3 min and then start the warm up. It makes a huge difference, so much freeier and easier movement and things happen quicker. Just an idea if you can find a sink or bowl. The sink is usualy the best if your out an about gigging, just nip to the back room and get those hands warm and then a wee quick warm up with the metronome. job done :)
DrummerJohnnyO Says DrummerJohnnyO says Warm Up
Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 20, 2010 - 5:32 PM
I like to warm up when I'm playing and I teach my students to do the same. Whether at practice or playing live, I feel like I can play much better if I just play some singles, doubles, paradiddles, etc. I do have the Tommy Igoe "Great Hands for a Lifetime" DVD and this is a great resource for hand technique. And the warmup Tommy demonstrates can truly be used "for a lifetime."
Sometimes when playing live, you don't really get a chance to play around the kit to warmup. In this case, I at least play on my legs to get the blood flowing and loosen up my fingers and hands. Warming up is always a good idea when playing the kit.
drumordie990 Says Warm Ups
Submitted On: Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - 1:17 AM
I ALWAYS warm up before a gig/show. I usually bring a drum pad with me and warm up by playing rudiments in the car on the ride there, not while driving, of course. I also warm up on the kit during sound checks. It also helps me in making sure my drums are positioned where I can play them comfortably. Back when I didn't warm up I didn't have the ability to play as fast or easily as i needed to play until the middle of the set, and by that time the damage had been done. I also found that my shoulder didn't hurt when I warmed up. Although, when I'm jamming I pretty much don't do too much of a warm up. There's so much spontaneity there that whatever you play, as long as it fits into the groove, is acceptable. But yeah, warming up is DEFINITELY important in any percussion.
slowmotioncowboy Says I usually do very little
Submitted On: Friday, Jul 30, 2010 - 12:37 AM
I usually do very little warm up. 8 on a hand then 12 on a hand then 16 on a hand (16th's at 110BPM) then huggaduggas starting at 110BPM then going faster till I can't do them on time, then back down. Then I jump into the groove.
Reimund Says warm ups
Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010 - 9:39 PM
well usualy i start around 120 bpm with the bass and play along with that with me snare. tthen i will add a hi hat everyother beat to get that metal riff going and slowly work to highter speed, good warm up
cowboyplayindrummer Says Warmup's
Submitted On: Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - 8:33 AM
I generally pick some songs on the iPod and ease my way into what I want to do which is usually record. I should probably have a better routine but I guess I take for granted that I can hit the set cold lol.
Titch Davidson Says Re: Warmup's
Submitted On: Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 - 1:00 PM
Your lucky hitting the set cold mate, If i start cold my playing and timing is all over the joint and i sound rubbish. The warm up i do is simple and it works for me, plus its nice to nail the triplets at speed too before making a mess of them while playing on a tune lol
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