Drum Lessons: Billy Ashbaugh: 1/2 Time Shuffle #1-Workout #2
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Drummer Comments (1)
[+] Add CommentRatamaqbeatman Says Shuffle away !!
Submitted On: Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - 11:14 AM
I can't believe I just realized that we play the same where your snare hand doesn't cross right underneath the hi hat hand. Have you always done this ?? I feel so restricted now if I have to have the snare stick underneath the hi hat stick
billy ashbaugh Says Re: Shuffle away !!
Submitted On: Monday, Jun 28, 2010 - 11:47 AM
Yeah, I usually angle my right arm like that for this type of groove. It depends on what I'm playing....but yes, I have always done this "on & off" for years now. I have to be careful though. Sometimes holding my arm at that angle will tire my arm out quicker....it's a trade off!
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