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OSP e-drums

John B. - Wed, 08/13/2008 - 12:38 | 3,908 views

If you look for electronic drums on eBay, you see about a million sellers selling the OSP DD-502 set for $449. Has anybody played these, know anything about them?

Drummer Comments (4)

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drumhead101541 Says Re: OSP e-drums

Submitted On: Friday, Sep 5, 2008 - 11:46 AM

Yeah, I agree that Eletronic kits just don't feel like realy kits. They make great practice or effect kits, but I would never take one out to play at a show. I like the new Roland TD-9 kit that's out now though...

King Says Re: OSP e-drums

Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 14, 2008 - 10:58 AM

If that's all you're looking for then it may work out for you. The product video they shot for it was very impressive though. I would try to find one at a local store to play on it first. Some people tend to get buyers remorse after they've played on an electric kit. I'll never forget the time a guy cam into our old store. He played on a roland v kit for about an hour and a half and loved it, bought it, and took it home. Two days later this fool brings it back and says "it just doesn't feel like a real kit". WELL DUH???? It's not a real kit....see what I mean? Know what you're buying and be realistic about it. You may like it in the store while you're all excited but it's always a different story once you get it home.

John B. Says Re: OSP e-drums

Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 14, 2008 - 10:34 AM

I'd use them for practice and recreation only, so they may suit my purpose. But you're right - I should probably save a few more bucks and get a Roland or Yamaha set.

Thanks very much for the very helpful response.

King Says Re: OSP e-drums

Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 13, 2008 - 4:54 PM

I haven't played on this model but have have played on some Simmons kits that are identical to this. It really depends on who it's for. An experienced player has the finesse to play on it but probably would not like it. A beginner would love it for an electric kit but isn't very durable as far as taking a pounding until you develop better control. The drum pads are basically like those REMO practice pads that are tunable, they're just triggered. It's all about personal preference and what you need it for. Personally...I'd save up a little more to get a new or used Roland TD 3, they start anywhere from $899-999.00

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