Drummer Connection Forum

Do you own an iPhone? Is it worth the money to get one?

lanniewoods - Thu, 04/16/2009 - 14:36 | 3,866 views


I've had a WAP phone ever since they came out, the WAP Internet was too expensive and rubbish to really interest me, it only ever gets used for downloading things like ring tones. and I haven't ever used a phone that access's the real Internet like an iPhone. Personally I don't think I'd use it as there's nothing I do on the Internet that couldn't wait until I got home, some of the applications that help you find places near you look helpful though. Unless it's essential for your work I really can't see any other reason for having the Internet on your mobile, and most people have a laptop anyway these days.

I look forward to all your replies. If I posted this is the wrong section I apologize.


Drummer Comments (1)

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drumfreak Says Re: Do you own an iPhone? Is it worth the money to get one?

Submitted On: Thursday, Apr 16, 2009 - 9:06 PM

The answer is HELL YES! I've been an iphone user since Day 1. I went through several PDA's that just didn't cut it. I'm a Linux Admin, a Business Man, and a Gadget Geek. On top of that anything that you buy from Apple is QUALITY. I can say that from several years of experience on PC's, Linux, and several other long adventures in computers which I can spare you the detail. Simply put, the iPhone is the best device I've bought yet, and I've upgraded to each version.

Besides, Drummer Connection is going to have an iPhone App here very soon!

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