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ill prepared drummer in need!!

snook_cruk - Fri, 11/06/2009 - 10:40 | 2,018 views

yeah im new around here lookin for some cool people to talk to got alot goin on over here especially since i cant count, i cant read sheet music, or choose the right sticks..... but i get paid to play for my church every sunday and am about to start traing a few kids in my neighborhood who have have shown interest in the drums and whose parents basically begged me the only reason i havent agreed till now is because of my lack of knowledge and advice or tips ... write back even come check out my page

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King Says Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Friday, Nov 6, 2009 - 11:36 AM

First of all if you're playing drums you can definitely count, you just don't realize it. After a while your body internalizes the pulse of the beat so you feel the rhythm instead of counting it. Don't worry about your lack of experience because everybody has something they can share with one another about their instrument. You have been blessed by God with a natural ability to play the drums and that can't be learned or acquired by none other than the Most High God. I think what you're doing is great as I started and still play drums in church myself. As far as the reading goes, just start simple, everyone can be taught how to read music-but feeling the music and being able to "play by ear" is a true talent that you either have or you don't. Obviously you can otherwise you wouldn't be good enough to earn $$$ as a drummer in your church. Even though you're getting paid (which I have NO problem with) make sure your involvement has to do with your service to God because you hold a VERY important position being a minister of music at your church and that should not be taken for granted. Regarding lessons-check out some of the beginner lessons here on our site and teach those to your students in your own style, also teach them the basic beats and drum fills you learned as a beginning drummer. Also, don't end up like some Gospel drummer do just by playing the "church gig", be involved and take it seriously and don't just go to church to get paid to play the drums. There's SOOOOOOOOOOO much content on this website you'll never be at a loss for teaching material. If you need anything else just let me know, good luck and God Bless!

snook_cruk Says Re: Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 7, 2009 - 9:10 PM

to KING advice taken!!!!! .... and you should know that i grew up in the church being a soldier in gods army is always number they offered me money its not even much i get paid more to go outside of the church idunno thats just the way things work around here...... if i didnt believe that my talents we divinely distrubuted by the man above i dont think i would still be in the church to tell the truth but i know my place and the posistion that god has designated for me and i have gladly accepted but in the gifts that god give your are supposed to mature and multiply and thats why im here!!! feeling the rythm completely thats the only way i play and im just starting to come into my own so i can open up in the pocket i guess im just trying to go back to the basics because while traveling you see somany other musicians and how they have matured their craft and the more advanced i want to take myself the more increasingly harder it gets with out foundation and also i think that it would be nice to have a few more female drummers around you know to help me feel more at ease...... on another note its easy to be online and watch videos but as you can tell i learn from being hands on in saying that im sayin the only set i have access to stays in the church although my uncle left behind more then one set that stays with my grandmother who( who is the pastor of my church) myself and my uncle(co- pastor of my church) have attempted many times to talk her into lettting me have access to one because im trying to develope more and sets are expensive as hell i dont really have the money left after bills school etc...... so yeah watching the videos and then trying to remember what ive seen or heard on here is definately a challenge im trying to figure out the best thing to do to help myself but im experiencing a few major set backs.... i just want to make sure that i do the right thing by these kids because they have a lot more time to develope their skills so i want them to have the right foundation so that if this is truely what god has called them to do then they will be able to answer with open hearts and minds to continue with out discouragement and or self conciousness that i have felt understand???

King Says Re: Re: Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Monday, Nov 9, 2009 - 10:41 AM

I know what it's like not having access to a kit full time so I'm with ya there. So what are you studying in school, are you in high school or college? How is the music program there?

snook_cruk Says Re: Re: Re: Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Monday, Nov 16, 2009 - 6:41 AM

im takin business im in college takin business and i never hear about the music program here but i do know that one kid who went to school here actually got to play live on the tonight show or something like that for sting (drums)

King Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Monday, Nov 16, 2009 - 3:07 PM

Wow, Sting? That's a great gig. Keep me posted on how the teaching is working out for you.

snook_cruk Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Monday, Nov 16, 2009 - 8:14 PM

of coarse as a matter of fact i actually have a question from you besides for holding sticks and learning the kit what was the first thing you learned i have two kids this saturday!!

d.hitchcock Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Wednesday, Nov 18, 2009 - 10:21 AM

Just show em how to get started like you did. Show em how you hold the sticks, how you move. Let them watch you play a bit.

Have them try single strokes, double strokes, paradiddles ... If you don't have one, get a sheet of the 26 standard rudiments.

Don't over think this. You obviously can play, so just do your thing. A bit of introspection might be in order to help decide what's important to know for a beginning drummer.

Good luck,

snook_cruk Says Re: ill prepared drummer in need!!

Submitted On: Friday, Nov 6, 2009 - 10:41 AM

ohh and also im female... dont be fooled

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