Drum Lessons: Billy Ashbaugh: Fill Idea #1
Drummers Sharing Tips, Tricks and Knowledge on subjects such as Drum Tuning, Drum Rudiments, Paradiddles, Shuffles, Groove Ideas,
Drum Kit Dynamics, Drum Fills, Triplets, Drum Miking, Drum Recording, Changing Drum Heads and so much more.
Drummer Comments (6)
[+] Add Commentmilton289 Says thats cool
Submitted On: Friday, Jan 28, 2011 - 1:23 PM
thats cool
Hemtex Says thanks
Submitted On: Monday, Aug 30, 2010 - 4:07 PM
thanks for the lesson it sounds nice :D
billy ashbaugh Says Re: thanks
Submitted On: Tuesday, Sep 7, 2010 - 6:24 AM
Your welcome!
Michael Liberty Says Fill
Submitted On: Saturday, Aug 21, 2010 - 10:57 PM
That fill sounds so cool and easy to play will incorporate in to my fills! Thanx!
PROJECTFREE Says COOL. i like how you
Submitted On: Monday, Aug 9, 2010 - 4:24 PM
COOL. i like how you instructed that!
billy ashbaugh Says Re: COOL. i like how you
Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 9:53 PM
Tom_Sherwood Says Slightly confused...
Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 1, 2010 - 2:21 PM
Thanks for the lesson Billy but I'm a little confused about the point of playing it as RLLRRL instead of using a simple alternating sticking ? I don't see how this sticking particularly helps with playing the accents or varying the orchestration in this case.
Is this something I need to wait until part two for ?
billy ashbaugh Says Re: Slightly confused...
Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 1, 2010 - 3:23 PM
Sorry for the confusion! Actually you're right. Used in this setting, the sticking really doesn't make a difference. My only point in using this sticking was due to the fact it felt more comfortable to me than the alternate sticking option. If you're more comfortable with alternate sticking, I recommend you use that. However, if you begin to move the hands around the kit to different sound sources you'll obviously hear the difference in sticking. With that being said, I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to explore using both sticking choices :)
Have fun!
Tom_Sherwood Says Re: Re: Slightly confused...
Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 1, 2010 - 3:42 PM
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I tend to play most stuff alternate where possible since being self taught, I started that way and so I was comfortable with using that for stuff long before I ever heard of a paradiddle ! Having said that, that in itself is good grounds for me to try it your way as that will best develop my playing !
ByTor Says I love that fill
Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 1, 2010 - 2:18 PM
I just realised that the original 6 stroke roll is not phrased as 16th note triplets, I've always played it like you show here!
Moreover, what's your cymbal configuration on this video? I really love the sound of the crash cymbals... are they Twentys?
billy ashbaugh Says Re: I love that fill
Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 1, 2010 - 3:28 PM
Yeah, it's kinda cool how you can get mileage from a sticking pattern by subdividing or phrasing around the kit differently! It's all great stuff to practice.
You're right.....those are the Twentys. I love this line of crashes! Actually, the hats sound great as well.
Thanks for watching!
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