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Drum Lessons: Billy Ashbaugh: The Flamacue

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Billy Ashbaugh: The Flamacue

by billy ashbaugh on Sun, 07/04/2010 - 21:50
Viewed 9,745 Times

In this lesson I will break down and explain the Flamacue. Enjoy!

Drummer Comments (3)

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sgtibbs Says You rock Billy

Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 8, 2010 - 9:43 AM

Keep the videos coming.

Tom_Sherwood Says "Thanks again, nice clear explanation."

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 7, 2010 - 8:55 PM

Nice to finally see a rudiment that doesn't have the word "diddle" anywhere in it !! I knew they existed but until now have never seen one.

I don't mean to be ungrateful but there seems to be one thing missing from this lesson; how to use it in a playing situation. As I understand it, there's a purpose/application for every rudiment in normal playing situations but after watching this lesson, while I know exactly what a Flamacue is, I've still got no idea what to use it for ! Before anyone says it, using it as a warm up technique doesn't count !

b2solo Says Great Lesson Billy

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 7, 2010 - 8:53 PM

I was taught to accent the quarter note too. But, I like how you do it. I think flamacue as well as the flam paradiddle are hard rudiments (at least for me)


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