Drum Lessons: Billy Ashbaugh: Tips For Buying Stick & Heads
Drummers Sharing Tips, Tricks and Knowledge on subjects such as Drum Tuning, Drum Rudiments, Paradiddles, Shuffles, Groove Ideas,
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Drummer Comments (6)
[+] Add CommentOnsetdrummer Says drumsticks
Submitted On: Friday, Sep 3, 2010 - 11:02 PM
the tapping of the stick on the head might look kinda funny in the store. lol
BryDrums Says Outstanding Tips
Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 12, 2010 - 8:10 PM
lol.. Thanks so much for posting these types of things!
billy ashbaugh Says Re: Outstanding Tips
Submitted On: Friday, Aug 13, 2010 - 1:34 PM
You're welcome!
MichaelH Says Thanks - This is the kind of
Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 12, 2010 - 12:01 PM
Thanks - This is the kind of stuff you only get from other drummers. Great tips I'm sure to use in the future.
b2solo Says Great Tips! Billy
Submitted On: Sunday, Jun 27, 2010 - 8:58 PM
My drum teacher loaned me some marching drum sticks to practice on the pad (not on the drum set) It was driving me nuts because my left hand sounded so different (higher in pitch) than my right hand even though the double strokes sounded consistent.
I am not usually this smart but switched sticks - left for right. And now it was the right hand that sounded higher.
I remembered your tips video so I tried it out. And there was an incredible pitch difference. But I was doing it on my head; left and right. So, maybe the difference in tone is in my asymmetrical skull?
cheers, and thanks for another great lesson
billy ashbaugh Says Re: Great Tips! Billy
Submitted On: Sunday, Jun 27, 2010 - 11:15 PM
I know what you mean!! Before I was hip to this technique, I would often feel something felt strange but could never pinpoint what the problem was.
I would recommend using the same side of your skull for testing....just to keep it consistent :)
Thanks for your input!!
drumfreak Says Great Tips!
Submitted On: Saturday, Jun 5, 2010 - 7:28 PM
The first time I went with Billy to get some drum heads he presented this technique... to this day it has been proven. I've given back at least 8 heads of different brands because of the dead sound when tapping them. This is a critical step!!
kbconsul Says Love the stick test! What a good idea...
Submitted On: Saturday, Jun 5, 2010 - 5:40 PM
But, when I tried both sides of my head, I heard a definite pitch difference... I must be right brained...
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