Drummer Connection Forum

Yamaha Stage Custom Nouveau vs OCDP Avalon series vs DDrum AMX?????

styrbjorn - Sun, 09/13/2009 - 17:37 | 1,934 views

hello guys
i have a Yamaha Stage Custom, and i was thinking on changing my set, but i dont have much money, and i was thinking on buying the OCDP Avalon series drumset or the Ddrum AMX... does someone know if it will be a good change?? a Yamaha Stage Custom Nouveau for a OCDP? or the Yamaha for the AMX???

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- - D - - Says Re: Yamaha Stage Custom Nouveau vs OCDP Avalon series vs DDrum A

Submitted On: Monday, Sep 14, 2009 - 11:56 AM


styrbjorn Says Re: Re: Yamaha Stage Custom Nouveau vs OCDP Avalon series vs DDr

Submitted On: Monday, Sep 14, 2009 - 1:25 PM

but it is a good change?? does the OCDP is better than the Y SC??? or i should better stay whit what i have

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