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Drummer Connection Forum

Listen to this...

ocin311 - Wed, 08/19/2009 - 21:23 | 2,371 views

I created this topic under the education forum because I think it's a drummers #1 tool in learning is LISTENING to other drummers, their styles, how they apply themselves to the music in which they're playing to...

I've been listening to a lot of death metal and heavy metal lately, and a friend just turned me onto an old hiphop album from 1994 that has some great grooves on it... i know completely contrary to my current diet of blast beats and double kick 24/7

that being said my first input for "listen to this" is

Artist: S.F.C.
Album: Illuminations

I'd like to hear what everyone else is listening to for some inspiration behind the kit

~~~I currently play and rearrange the following:~~~
Tama Starclassic Drums: 10,12,14,& 16 toms, 22 kick, various snares
Zildjian: K Custom Dark Ride & Crash of Doom 22"/20"
Sabian: Paragon Ride & Crash 22"/20"
Paiste Hats 14"

Drummer Comments (2)

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- - D - - Says Re: Listen to this...

Submitted On: Monday, Aug 31, 2009 - 3:14 PM

This week Im listening nothing but Jazz and funk. Curtis May field...

- - D - - Says Re: Listen to this...

Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - 10:32 AM

Dude thanks for the POST. I think it is a really sweet/clever idea to have a "Listen To This" section here on site. As far as for me: I haven't really gone out of my "comfort zone" of other styles that I listen to. Currently stuck on INCUBUS make your self album! (by the way I went to their show last Saturday in 'TAMPA FORD AMPHITHEATER': AMAZING!!) Ive Caught 311 there as well a few times in the past couple of years...

~~~|Currently Play and rearrange the following|~~

Gretsch Renown Drums: 10, 12, 14, 22 kick, 12 PorkPie Little-squealer snare (love that little thing) rim SHOT!!
Zildjian: A Custom 14 hats, 16 Crash, 18 thin crash, 20 ride. (yeah i bought the A Custom Pack)
oh and uh 5A VIC FIRTH =)

ocin311 Says Re: Re: Listen to this...

Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 23, 2009 - 11:58 PM

My brother just saw Incubus in Miami at Bay Front Amphitheater... said it was only 6,000 capacity, so it was a really cool vibe in the crowd.

I've 311 at Ford Amphitheater also! Their best performance I've seen though was in Atlanta at whatever they call their amphitheater these days... it was amazing.

- - D - - Says Re: Re: Re: Listen to this...

Submitted On: Monday, Aug 31, 2009 - 3:18 PM

oh yes for sure dude! Um i think its called LAKE WOOD Ampitheater! Your talking about 4th of JULY right??? That show was BOMB. Expendables, Ziggy and 311 badass show. By far their best performance IVE seen. Not to mention P-Nuts bass solo....choooo.

ocin311 Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Listen to this...

Submitted On: Tuesday, Sep 1, 2009 - 2:26 PM

no I was talking about a concert a few years back in ATL, I wanna say 2006... the Wailers opened up for them when I saw them.

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