Featured Drummer Audio is dedicated to audio that our staff has designated as "Featured". We seek out the most special audio, or audio that is directly related to our website and upload it in this section. Members on our website have special sections for their own audio, so please visit our member's profiles to see what they have been uploading! Currently, we have Free Featured Drummer Audio Files for you to listen to!
Sat, 07/05/2008 - 18:04
by: Grom
Session recording of debut album of Italian metal band OPPOSITE SIDES (www.oppositesides.com)...
Sun, 10/05/2008 - 23:16
by: drumfreak
Here's a groove we did getting warmed up. This is Cash on the Bass Guitar and drumfreak on the Drums...
Fri, 03/06/2009 - 11:55
by: drumfreak
Here's a nice little jam with Cash on the Keys and me on the drums....
Fri, 12/19/2008 - 22:51
by: drumfreak
Eric, Billy Ashbaugh and Cash - Breathe...
Fri, 07/18/2008 - 20:48
by: Stick Specialist
Fri, 07/18/2008 - 05:20
by: simmons
Raymond Simmons features conga drums for a singing group of artists on his SELECT Records label....