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DW Practice Kit

by King on Wed, 05/14/2008 - 16:35

One setback we tend to have as drummers is where are we going to practice? Volume issues always seem to present a problem and there certainly aren't many inexpensive options out there. But Drum Workshop has come up with an alternative to the dilemma of quiet practice. For $139.99 you can purchase the DW Smart Practice Pad Set and start practicing more often by not letting the whole neighborhood know what you're up to.



Seems a bit pricey for just a custom cymbal stand and some rubber pads but it does show alot of practicality when it comes to volume and space. You can set it up anywhere and if you happen to own a drum pad already, it makes a great substitute for a snare to help you expand upon the kit. It's a great tool for private instructors who travel. You can take this to the students home and demonstrate various techniques without having to take turns hopping on and off the acoustic kit. It stores easily, and you can even buy additional drum pads to add on for variety. Like all products it does have its setbacks.

First of all...take it for what it's worth, a practice kit. It's not going to feel or respond anything like an acoustic or even an electric kit for that matter. Look at it as something to focus on technique and chops. The kit is also equipped to be used with a double pedal as well but the stand MUST be braced correctly or it's just going to continually slide away from you. The drum pads are also made to be tensioned with a drum key instead of individual wing nuts so unless properly tightened the pads will dip down on you when playing aggressively.

As you can see from the pros and cons it might not be for you depending on your situation. But if you already own a kit then it makes a great accessory while teaching, traveling, or dressing room warm ups while you're out touring the world over. I would recommend playing one yourself before you come to a definite decision.


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