Hello there! I was searching on the internet for a new drumset that is both good and affordable.So, i saw a Gretsch Catalina maple drumset(6 piece: 20"BD,14X5,5SD,10&12TOMS,14&16 FLOOR TOMS).And guys!This beauty costs only 660 euro!!! What draw my attention was the fact that this drum set has 6-ply maple cell on toms and 7-ply maple cell on snare,floor toms and BD.And my question is: How can a Gretsch's MAPLE drum set 6 piece with beautiful color finishes and nice tom mounting system be so cheap???? Have you ever tried this set???Is it as good as i think it is?
I am thinking about selling my pearl forum set and collect some more money to buy this one....
BTW, post your opinions generally about gretsch drums. My opinion is that they can't be bad because gretsch is the oldest drums company around.
Drummer Comments (13)
[+] Add Commenttoddc Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 22, 2010 - 3:55 PM
I was bouncing back and forth lately about getting a new kit and as much as I like Gretsch I went with the Mapex Meridian Maple Manhattan. The decisive point for me was that the shells on the Mapex seemed to let the heads do their work. Regardless of which heads I use. The Gretsch shells demanded the Gretsch sound. Sometimes that's a good thing. Other times not.
I think Gretsch makes great drums. But the Mapex Meridian maple Manhattan along with the deal I got won this time.
slowmotioncowboy Says Re: Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010 - 4:35 PM
I agree they all have a similar feel to them and aren't really a great sound to have for too much besides jazz, funk and swing.
strub09 Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Tuesday, Jun 8, 2010 - 2:34 PM
I have that exact set. One thing you will definately need to do is change the factory heads with something better (as you need to with any set). The thing about this set is that if it is power you crave with your set, then get a ludwig. For the price of this set, you cannot go wrong. I strongly recommend it!! good luck!
Me.Play.Drums Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Monday, May 17, 2010 - 2:37 PM
I've never owned a Gretsch set, but I did have a buddy who did and I would often play on them. I never found any fault with them. They sounded good, as long as he had decent heads and kept them tuned, but that goes for any set. I'd say that price was pretty good and you would do go to take advantages.
ringochris Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 - 8:03 PM
I'm also considering buying one of these kits. The last thing I need is another kit, but I can't resist at the prices they are selling at! I've seen them in the flesh, and read some great things about them, including the birch kits. I just know you won't be disappointed with a Gretsch (even though these ones aren't made in USA), and there is no way you will get a better deal on a new kit for that kind of money!
cfdpride Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Thursday, Feb 25, 2010 - 1:31 PM
I have spent two months playing on a Gretsch kit, and I loved them so much, I found a great USA kit and ditch my lifelong love of Yamaha Birch kits. I've even had two Tama kits and a beautiful DW kit over time, but I just love the sound I get out of these Gretsch drums. I, am not a big fan of the hardware, but I am just going to use DW hardware and the DW pedals I swear by. I'd say, without a doubt, go with a Gretsch.
Boone Hawks Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 20, 2009 - 2:23 PM
Boone Hawks here.
Gretsch drums really are Great drums. They look good and sound Great. Gretsch drums sound better then most drums on the market today! Even those Yamaha matched shell sets. And I know times change, but back in the late 60's & early 70's if you were playing Rock, you wouldn't be caught dead playing Gretsch. It was known as a jazz set. Charlie Watts bearly got away with it? Today is different though, they might fly on stage now just fine. My opinion only....Slingerland=Big Band__Gretsch=Jazz__Ludwig=Rock__Tama=Fussion__DW=All styles__ddrum=Rock__Rogers=Rock__PacificDrums=Kids?..the toms are to small?__Yamaha=Trouble finding a place?
It used to be Name mattered more then sound, now it's sound matters more then Name.
darthmonkey113 Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Saturday, Jun 27, 2009 - 12:31 AM
I have a 6.5 by 14 inch gretch caatalina club snare. Its great for the money, only $180.
ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - 2:34 PM
I love drumfreak's Gretsch kit :] They sound nice!
- - D - - Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - 1:48 PM
iron1997 Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Thursday, May 7, 2009 - 9:37 AM
I just bought a set of catalina maples and i cant say enough good things about them. im an intermediate drummer and i think its the perfect kit for my level. for 750 bucks thier a steal. the finish is beautiful,and the sound is amazing. buy em. you wont regret it
drumfreak Says Re: Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Thursday, May 7, 2009 - 8:19 PM
Awesome! I'm glad you found the love of Gretsch. Price doesn't matter too much with them, all of their kits sound great. Here's a wealth of information about Gretsch for you to play with: https://drummerconnection.com/site_search?as_q=drummer+tags+gretsch&searchButton.x=0&searchButton.y=0&searchButton=submit
Let me know if you have any questions, I've been messing with Gretsch very intimately if you will over the past few years.
King Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Monday, Mar 16, 2009 - 9:35 AM
Gretsch makes great stuff! I've played on several series of Gretsch and they all sound amazing. The Catalina is probably the best deal you're gonna find on a drumkit right now, especially with the free floor or rack tom.The only complaint I've really heard about them is that you don't have a lot of finishes to choose from. Try to make it out to a store to hear one for yourself, I'm sure you'll be impressed.
seminole Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Monday, Mar 9, 2009 - 9:52 PM
Yes! Gretsch Catalina Maple are great drums. I don't think you'll go wrong with this one, the price vs. value is a real winner.
Keep drummimg!
drumfreak Says Re: Gretsch drums. Yes or no?
Submitted On: Sunday, Mar 8, 2009 - 1:44 PM
I personally love Gretsch Drums. I have a set of Gretsch Catalina Club and Gretsch Renown Maple. Both kits sound outstanding and are very great kits. I also own DW Collectors drums, and personally I prefer to play my Gretsch.
You can hear and see my kits at: https://drummerconnection.com/users/drumfreak/media/playlists/5374 (this is the latest recordings I've done with my Catalina Club kit this past week)
Here's more on my Catalina Club Kit: https://drummerconnection.com/category/drummer-tags/gretsch-catalina-club-kit
Here's more on my Renown Maple Kit (currently stored and not being played):
Here's a video of my studio tour: https://drummerconnection.com/featured/video/4636-drumfreaks-studio-tour
In summary, I highly recommend any Gretsch kit. They are really priced great and sound incredible, live and recorded!
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