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tfocht - Fri, 01/02/2009 - 09:36

on all the lessons do i do everything backwards if i am lefthanded and my kit is set up lefty. so lrllr becomes rlrrl and so on i played around on other peoples drums for years (right hand set up)just got a set and it feels better set up lefty with my left hand being my lead hand thanks

Drummer Comments (8)

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ThatDrummerKid Says Hmmm

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - 11:19 AM

Yeah, I'm a lefty so it was difficult to play a right-handed kit. Reason honestly why I started playing a right-handed kit is because I though the left-handed kit looked stupid. As shallow as it sounds, I didn't like the look of a left-handed kit. So I just adapted to the right-handed style.

Watch this video, do I look in any way uncomfortable playing a regular kit. Cause it feels natural now. Any feedback would be great!

video: https://drummerconnection.com/featured/video/3796-keith-thomas-solo-part-2

D3Pantera Says Re: lefty

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - 2:00 AM

I am a lefty. I play a right handed configuration. I have taught myself to lead with left and right hands. I throws other drummers off when they watch you play. It also gives your right hand freedom to explore the kit while playing. But I have learned to just practice the rudiments both left lead and right lead.

OakManRK Says Re: lefty

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jun 9, 2009 - 10:35 PM

You should play what is most comfortable and natural feeling to you in terms of setup of your drums. I believe you should practice all exercises using left hand lead and right hand lead. Play a paradidddle rlrr lrll and then lrll rlrr
I am a lefty playing a left handed setup. The comments that playing left-handed looks stupid are meaningless except to some right-handed drummers. Most of the population doesn't even know the difference. I have played all kinds of situations and it has never been a problem. In my younger years when I was taking lessons it was very cool to be able to sit with a snare in front of my right handed instructor and "mirror" exactly what he was doing. If we were playing traditional grip and his left hand went up then my right hand went up and "mirrored" his motion. Very easy to learn this way.

King Says Re: lefty

Submitted On: Monday, Jan 12, 2009 - 10:24 AM

Try play open-handed, it just looks so much cooler, and easier once you adapt to it. I still haven't :D

sadash27 Says Re: Re: lefty

Submitted On: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 12:31 PM

Yeah I definitely think so. I play left-handed open and though I'm ambidextris, and could probably do any style, I think this one looks the coolest and is the most fun. XD

Ludwig Drummer Says Re: lefty

Submitted On: Friday, Jan 9, 2009 - 8:23 PM

I'm left handed but have always felt comfortable playing on a right hand kit. When I first learned to play drums in the early 70's, hardly anyone was ever seen playing matched grip. It was always a traditional Jazz grip. Being left handed I felt gave me an advantage with that grip. With my left hand being my dominant hand I was able to get my wrist way up to speed very quickly, which led me to be able to do a lot of quick shuffle and ghost notes with the left while the right kept time on ride or hats. Since coming back to drumming after a 29 year absense I'm working on getting my speed back with jazz grip and also learning matched at the same time. My large kit seems much better suited to matched grip as there are drums and cymbals spread out all over the place both wide and high.

King Says Re: lefty

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jan 7, 2009 - 9:47 AM

If you're playing left hand lead then yes, you would do everything backwards. If you have any instructional video by left handed drummers put them on your profile to add to the site. I'm sure there are a lot of people who feel the same as you. It couldn't imagine what it would be like to take a drum lesson from a lefty ;D

tfocht Says Re: lefty

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jan 6, 2009 - 3:38 PM

so do i do everything backwards

King Says Re: lefty

Submitted On: Monday, Jan 5, 2009 - 1:05 PM

Keith is actually left handed but he plays right hand lead. I call him a freak but it seems to work for him :) the boy can play too!

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