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what affects drumming?

BLIXTERX - Wed, 06/17/2009 - 21:28 | 6,688 views

I need to know whether body building affects drumming? Excess weight to the forarms affects the speed for drumming... is t hat right?? So what you all conclude for this question?

Drummer Comments (4)

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excrecor Says Re: what affects drumming?

Submitted On: Sunday, Feb 7, 2010 - 4:52 PM

to an extent!! stretching will help maintain you speed and control

darthmonkey113 Says Re: what affects drumming?

Submitted On: Friday, Jun 19, 2009 - 2:03 PM

thomas lang got ripped recently and he's fine

- - D - - Says Re: what affects drumming?

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 18, 2009 - 1:40 PM

I definitely agree with Ricky. Pumping iron wont have an effect on speed and slow you down as long as you keep the right the technique. For example, there is this guy joey who was a regular @ the drum shop i used to worked @ and the dude is ripped! and he plays like speedy gonzales on crack lol. Technique is key. Ill tell you what tho, if this guy did not have any chops, say he was just starting out to play, his drums would be toast. So my tip would be, get the lessons and techinque on lock, then juice up. =)

ricky Says Re: what affects drumming?

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 18, 2009 - 9:32 AM

well i guess it'd be good to work out for endurance but it's not always a bout how much strength you put into a stroke. it's all about the technique you use to hit the drums.

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