Hearing is one of the most crucial elements in drumming, and in music as a whole. It is extremely important to take care of your hearing, after all, it will never come back the same if you lose it (and in some cases it will never come back). Ear plugs, headphones, anything to dampen the sound so it isn't cutting into your ear-drums can be a solution. If you're having trouble finding the right ear protection, you should check out "Mack's High-Fidelity Hear Plugs". They reduce the decibels of what you're hearing, without compromising the quality of the sound! Take a look at the review on this product for a better understanding:
Drummer Comments (19)
[+] Add CommentLEE5336 Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Saturday, Sep 18, 2010 - 5:17 AM
Totally agree with protecting your ears, as musicians they're vital!
I use ACS ER-20 hi fidelity earplugs or foam earplugs got from work like Drumfreak said. I am looking to getting the Vic Firth Isolation headphones so i can listen to a track or click whilst playing.
brandonfaulknermusic Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Friday, Sep 17, 2010 - 6:45 PM
i have had tinnitus going well into ten years now(at least). i have to say, the best investment ever has been my in-ear system. i use the base shure system(wireless). the e2 earbuds at rehearsals and solo practice and the e3 buds for live shows. ill soon invest in either the e5 buds or go for it and get molded ones...greatest thing ive done for my playing.
Me.Play.Drums Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Feb 8, 2010 - 10:19 AM
Not only do I totally agree, I always keep extra on hand and insist that company use them if we're to be messing around with the kit.
drumfreak Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 4:22 PM
I like using Vic Firth isolation headphones or some foam earplugs. Buy your earplugs at a hardware store like Lowes or Home Depot or something and get them in bulk for like 100 pairs for $5 bucks. They would usually be over in the tools and safety sections... Otherwise some construction hearing protectors are cheap too.
masterbrx Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 2:42 PM
hey, I am 28 years old, playing my drums from my 8 years and my I am loosing all my high tones. Please everybody use earprojection
drumfreak Says Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 3:29 PM
Good advice buddy! What do you use? Earplugs or isolation headphones?
Adedrum Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 2:32 PM
I used to avoid wearing hearing protection when drumming because I could'nt hear th eband properly. This turned out to be a very stupid attitude. There are now several really good ear plus for drummers that turn down the volume without making the sound unnatural. It takes a couple of gigs to get used to it but well worth it.
After 15 years of drumming without proper hearing protection, I have lost most of my high frequency hearing. There are tiny hairs inside your inner ear that convert the sound to nerve impulses and very loud sounds such as snare drum and cymbals destroy the hairs. And they don't grow back.
I went and had a proper hearing test and was tod that 85% of my high frequency hearing is gone forever. It has gone so gradually that I hadn't noticed except that I was having trouble understanding what people were saying and had the TV turned way up. The good news is that I was fitted with some practically invisible hearing aids. These just booste the high frequencies I have lost. The difference is truly amazing.
The best way I can describe the improvement is imagine that you are listening to a stereo with the treble control turned right down - then you turn it up again. Or you have a pillow over the speakers that you then remove. I can now hear everything such as my feet scuffing on the floor when I walk and birds singing in the trees.
My audiologist tells me that it was lucky I came to him when I did as there was still something left for him to work with. If I had carried on subjecting my ears to stage sound much longer, the high frequency hearing would have gone forever and be beyond what hearing aids could correct.
I now use Elacin earplugs on stage without fail.
You don't have to go through what I did if you take action now. Being partially deaf isn't clever and it isn't cool.
drumfreak Says Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 3:29 PM
Excellent advice, thanks so much for joining in!
Cisco Says I use skull candies
Submitted On: Thursday, Oct 15, 2009 - 9:00 PM
I use skull candies headphone the earpiece ones. They broke a while ago but they
work as good as water prof earplugs.
drumfreak Says Re: I use skull candies
Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 3:29 PM
Got a link?
drumfreak Says Re: I use skull candies
Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 3:29 PM
Got a link?
Jason_ Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Thursday, Oct 15, 2009 - 12:07 AM
I've been playing for about 15yrs without using ear protection. Sometimes the ringing in my ears is sooo loud that I can't sleep well. And I play a lot of lighter stuff. Once they are like this you F*(#ed. So it is very serious and you cannot avoid it without the proper protection.
jamesf Says Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Wednesday, Dec 9, 2009 - 10:49 PM
I agree with you 100%! I'm upwards of about 25 years behind the kit and stuffed between the amp stacks and I don't recommend this to anyone! Some days I can keep the ringing subdued, but there are times when I just can't block it out and wish it would stop! The worst is when it seems to change frequency! Hard to describe, but if you've experienced it, you know what I'm talking about. PLEASE always use ear protection!
Jason_ Says Re: Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Thursday, Dec 10, 2009 - 11:24 AM
Yeah those are the worst. It's like a mischievious kid got on the synth that's in my ear and turned the pitch way up. No fun at all!
billy ashbaugh Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Wednesday, Oct 14, 2009 - 11:38 AM
Yeah...your hearing is serious business! I know it may dampen or distance the music from you, but it IS something you can get use to. In-ear monitor systems are fairly inexpensive, you can get them for under $100. There are also several very inexpensive mixers and entree level mic packs, so you can create your own cheap portable set-up for your gigs. I found over the years that the extra 5 to 10 minutes it took me to set up my mics and mixer before a gig was WELL worth having my hearing today! It also works great in the practice environment as well!
waycoolwendy Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Sep 28, 2009 - 6:59 PM
What waht??? huh??? what did he say??? huh???
That's gonna be me when I'm older I don't use ear plugs Plus I go to the loudest concerts I can find every chance I get hahaha! I have ringing in my right ear because that's the side I have my Crash cymbal on hahaha! it's bad what I'm doing to myself But I like hearing what I'm playing :)
ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 3:06 PM
yeah I'm gonna be deaf when I'm older I swear haha
waycoolwendy Says Re: Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 4:16 PM
Ear plugs are for whimps and they mess up the sound for me I wanna hear everything to make sure I'm good
ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 4:18 PM
haha, I wanna take care of my ears n stuff, but for some reason i always end up saying f%^k it and just play!
waycoolwendy Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 4:27 PM
Same here without music my life is hell it makes everything less bad in some way
maniac-drummer Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Oct 12, 2009 - 2:04 PM
earplugs dampen the sound to much for me i just use headphones that way can listen to a click track or a backing track to jam too :)
Cisco Says Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Thursday, Oct 15, 2009 - 8:57 PM
Lol they dont mess up the sound they just lower the db so that your ears dont take all the punishment :p
ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Re: Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Friday, Oct 16, 2009 - 2:28 PM
they in some way do mess up the sound. Regular ear plugs don't really give off a good sound to your ears, they take away all the quality. There is a brand of ear plugs called "Mack's Hear Plugs" that literally give all the quality of the mix you would normally hear without the plugs, but they just lower the db so the mix isn't as extreme to your ears. Great product, i own them!
King Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 13, 2008 - 9:51 AM
What sort of problems are you starting to notice as far as hearing damage is concerned? I hear this "clicking/crackling" sound in my ears every time I swallow. Kinda like when you're sick and you swallow after sneezing or blowing your nose too hard and your ears feel congested. That's the best way I can describe it. ??? It used to drive me CRAZY but now I've learned to live with it.
drumhead101541 Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Aug 11, 2008 - 11:25 AM
Yeah the Vater ones are basically just like the plugs i mentioned above, they just have different colors.
elbows69 Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 10, 2008 - 6:55 PM
I just picked up a set of ear plugs made by Vader. I just used them yesterday and they were great! They decreased the volume with comprimising the sound too much. A lot of foam ear plugs will not only lower the volume but also take away from the actual sounds of the drums and cymbals. I used tham all day durning a recording session and didn't have any ringing afterward. The only downside is that they can get uncomftorable after a while. They go for about 20 bucks and are re-usable
drumhead101541 Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 22, 2008 - 11:15 AM
Check out this link: http://www.macksearplugs.com/
This is where you can find them, but you can also find them at a plenty of music stores, some vary in db also.
WraithDagger Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Jul 21, 2008 - 12:13 AM
can anyone give an approx cost of the earplugs with the different db levels... I am considering doing this especially if I get back into it on a semi serious level...
Dave Heim Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 9, 2008 - 5:42 PM
Can't stress hearing protection enough.
Sensaphonics is another good place to get a hearing test, and to get fitted for custom plugs if you want them. They cater to musicians.
drumhead101541 Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 1, 2008 - 4:48 PM
I updated the link, it should work now :]
John_Roberts Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Jun 30, 2008 - 5:53 PM
Professional ear plugs come in several different attenuation rates. Drummers may need more attenuation in their cymbal ear, IIRC PASIC studies showed more loss in right ear.
bongoboy Says Re: Your Hearing
Submitted On: Monday, Jun 30, 2008 - 4:14 PM
dead link bummer
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