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tiki tiki ta ta

amptek21 - Sat, 07/10/2010 - 21:27 | 34 views

Hello all,

My name is Jan, i'm 23 and I bash on a Gretsch. It's a pleasure to have stumbled upon this website. I just got back into drumming after a 5 year break from it all. I used to play almost everyday and was beginning to find my groove for reggae. After the ex dropped me, I got into the house scene and started Djing. In a way, drumming helped me with my beat matching and how to listen to a track properly. I hope to learn and progress here, I've already downloaded all the reggae playalongs that were available and plan to jam through it. I hope to meet some chill drummers here and learn as much as i could.

Bless up!

Jan Amparo

Music is the weapon of the future.

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