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waycoolwendy - Mon, 09/28/2009 - 18:04 | 8,540 views

Okay I think this is very important Enough for a thread anyway is drumming barefoot good for your feet? I used to when I was younger but started having foot cramps so now I always play with my shoes on and haven't had trouble since

Drummer Comments (6)

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drumfreak Says Re: Feet

Submitted On: Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 - 4:49 PM

Lots of people drum barefoot, there's nothing wrong with it, just use common sense!

King Says Re: Feet

Submitted On: Thursday, Oct 22, 2009 - 9:23 AM

I've never been one to play barefoot or in socks, just doesn't feel right for me. Depending on your pedals it can really tear up tour tootsies!

ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Feet

Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 9:44 AM

Yeah I can't really play barefoot, I got a wierd cramp on my foot too one time, so i just keep the shoes on :]

waycoolwendy Says Re: Re: Feet

Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 1:31 PM

after reading this I don't feel alone in the whorld of Shoe on foot drumming ahahah!

ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Re: Re: Feet

Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 1:50 PM

haha yeah, I just keeps the kicks on lol :]

waycoolwendy Says Re: Re: Re: Re: Feet

Submitted On: Monday, Oct 5, 2009 - 4:13 PM

Hell yeah

Barefoot Says Re: Feet

Submitted On: Thursday, Oct 1, 2009 - 8:50 PM

I agree with the "whatever is comfortable for you" philosophy. Got in the habit of being barefoot years ago (mild San Diego weather but mostly laziness). So it never occured to me to put on shoes when I played my drums either. However, since most pedals have decorative designs or logos cast into the surface, I installed pedal covers which are smooth, semi-hard, foam rubber. Gives pedals uniform and non-slip surface. I have not experienced any health issues or performance differences playing that way. . . .

Playing barefoot is my first choice at home. But if was to play a real gig or a formal setting, I would feel compelled to wear shoes as a professional courtesy.

remy_starwing Says Re: Feet

Submitted On: Tuesday, Sep 29, 2009 - 1:42 PM

I don't think that are any sort of problems that con come medically from drumming barefoot, nor problems period. A lot of people might look at it strange, (depending on if your band wears the same clothing as a gimmick and you are minus the shoes lol.) I for one use very light slip-ons that are almost like water-shoes because of how much sweat and water that ends up all over me with the lights, because of traction as Seminole said.
Usually converse, vans, airwalks, anything simple and easy to slip on is great for drummers, something light that is relatively as close in weight as being barefoot.

HOWEVER on the note...(just for note) Tommy Lee wasn't the first drummer to play upside down. The Catman from Kiss was actually the original percussionist to be extended over the crowd and turned upside down. Tommy Lee stole it, then followed by Joey Jordinson of Slipknot and then Travis Barker and so on and so forth...

Hope it all helps!

waycoolwendy Says Re: Re: Feet

Submitted On: Tuesday, Sep 29, 2009 - 7:46 PM

Hell Yeah Tommy Lee's one of my favs! and wow I didn't know peter cris was the first to do such a thing good info :)

seminole Says Re: Feet

Submitted On: Monday, Sep 28, 2009 - 8:50 PM

With shoes, without shoes, sneakers, boots, running shoes, dress shoes, high heels or platform boots, it will always be better to drum then not to drum. The question is what works for you. Most drummers do have a preference but can usually play in any comfortable shoe. So what works for you is all that's important.

You were probably getting cramps barefooted because you feet were trying to grab onto the pedal board, when wearing shoes the sole is getting the desired traction that your feet couldn't get. If you want to play barefooted continue to do so but don't tence up, keep your feet relaxed.

For all it worth play upside down if you want, (like Tommy Lee & Travis Barker) but play comfortably, play safe and you'll be playing for years to come!

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