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greetz and beatz from New Jersey

drumstickdave - Wed, 07/01/2009 - 23:11

Hey everybody, I'm Dave I. from central New Jersey. Way back in 1977, a drummer named Simon Fox from the British rock band BeBop Deluxe tossed a cracked drumstick into the audience and I caught it. As documented at my website, www.davesontour.com, I have a collection of almost 1,700 stage-used, and abused, drumsticks. (the majority are hand-signed)Some of you are no doubt in the collection. If you're not, what are you waiting for! Contact me and we'll find a way to hook up. Or contact me if you just want to talk about music, drummers and drumming, or if you want any info on my collection.

Keep rockin' and keep in touch,
Dave I

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