Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection

Drummer Tags

Tags are a way of categorizing content. You can link content together by creating a tag such as drums, kick pedal, ddrum and such. When you click on a tag link, you will find the relative content like below!!


Felipe Torres Jim Keltner Shawn Pelton (Page 1)

Drummer YouTube: Flip of the Week 10- Playing Without Drum Sticks

Submitted by Diablo on Wed, 03/04/2009 - 23:10
Feli's 10th Flip of the Week-Playing Without Drum Sticks Felipe proudly endorses Evans Drumheads and The Clamp-it Secure Mic Stand System. www.felipetorres.net www.evansdrumheads.com www.theclampit.com Filmed by SomeGuys Productions www.someguys.tv Drum audio recorded on the Zoom H4.http://www.samsontech.com/products/pr oductpage.cfm?prodID=1901 Special thanks to David Torres for his assistance with the props. ... read more...



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