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Our staff and members regularly submit Free Online Drum Lessons. Using the latest in technology, we aim to give you a great visual as well as audible method of learning through our online Lesosns. These lessons are made available for you to learn, get inspired, or just brush up on your skills.
A wonderful collection of Drumless Tracks or Drumless Playalongs for you to jam to. You can upload your version of the tracks to the website and participate in a unique music making and sharing experience right here on Drummer Connection! Start Jamming, Record yourself and Upload!
Our staff and members regularly submit videos that we either shoot ourselves, or find interesting and post them on the site. These videos may be product demonstrations, interviews, drum clinic shots, or cool drum solos, etc.
Our staff and members regularly review submit videos from YouTube that we find educational or entertaining and post them on the site. These videos may be product demonstrations, interviews, drum clinic shots, or cool drum solos, etc.
Featured Drummer Audio is dedicated to audio that our staff has designated as "Featured". We seek out the most special audio, or audio that is directly related to our website and upload it in this section. Members on our website have special sections for their own audio, so please visit our member's profiles to see what they have been uploading!
Here at Drummer Connection, every user has his/her own image gallery. The image galleries are here so drummers around the world can share ideas, events or brag about their kick ass drum kit.
Drummer Connection's Drummer Forums are here to answer any questions you may have about anything drummer related. We have thousands of forum topics and growing every day.
The editorial staff at Drummer Connection is constantly on the lookout for drummer related news stories. With hundreds of stories, you should certainly be able to find something that interests you.
Here at Drummer Connection, we syndicate news from other useful Drumming and Music related websites. This news is not published by our staff, and is simply aggregated / syndicated in its original form for you to review. Check the links on the articles for the original sources!
Here at Drummer Connection, members are invited to leave Blog entries. Blogs are simply a place to speak your mind online. We ask that you keep these subjects related to your Drumming or Musical experiences.
The Drummer Connection staff and members regularly submit Free Online Drum Lessons. Using the latest in technology, we aim to give you a great visual as well as audible method of learning through our online Lesosns. These lessons are made available for you to learn, get inspired, or just brush up on your skills.
Our Drummer Events Databases contains many drumming related events for you to consider. We try our best to publish events as we discover them. Our events database is for Concerts, Drum Clinics, Conventions and other special events that Drummers may find interesting.
New to Drumming or to Drummer Connection? Drummer Terms and Definitions are an online dictionary of useful terms that Drummers have to deal with on a regular basis.
Here at Drummer Connection, we have access to a large variety of products which we like to write reviews about. We do our best to give you an unbiased review of the products we write about. Drummer Reviews!
Drummer Connection maintains a database of Drum Stores and information such as addresses, maps, Drummer Comments and ratings. This is a FREE service of Drummer Connection.com.
its been a long road, so far, and never turned out the way I expected. im not rich and famous..lol. its been fun..sometimes and not fun sometimes.. but a good ride a bit like riding a roller coaster blindfolded.. you never know whats comming , but it aint boreing. ive done more recording in my old age than live, qand my style has evolved from John Bohnam to Charlie Watts...just keep it simple and play the song..i dont have anything else to prove as far as drumming goes..the talent God gave me is what it is, i can take no credit for that i would rather have been a singing harmonica player...lol but God is real smart and knows what He is doing.. if your new to drumming, dont put so much faith in your equipment and remember that drumming is an attitude that cant be taught. ive been a drummer since 1964..and have tuned and tweaked a lot of kits, for a lot of very good drummers....getting the sound you want is not as hard as you think..one thing about being old is that you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve..i can tune and i can teach...experence is hard to fake....lol
Post your question on the forums under "electronic drums/sampling equipment" and I'll help you out there, it's just easier, and other people can help out to.
drumfreak says:
Welcome to the site!
ThatDrummerKid says:
Post your question on the forums under "electronic drums/sampling equipment" and I'll help you out there, it's just easier, and other people can help out to.
ThatDrummerKid says:
Great, and keep in mind, if your looking for something, just let us know. We can help find whatever your looking for!
ThatDrummerKid says:
Welcome to the site!