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Stanton Moore - Interview

Date: 01/12/2010 | by billy ashbaugh | Viewed 31335 times

Stanton Moore - Interview

Stanton Moore has a love for New Orleans that runs deep down to the very core of who he is. Taken to his first Mardi Gras parade at just 8 months old, Stanton has spent his entire life becoming acquainted and immersed within the city's rich heritage and music culture - a history spanning across the many years and countless souls who've inhabited The Big Easy since it was founded in 1718. One of the original members and founder of the New Orleans-based funk band Galactic, Stanton and the gang have been hard at work in preparation for their eighth studio album Ya Kay May due out this February. While touring through Florida I had he chance to talk with Stanton about his new projects for 2010 and what progress has been made to rebuild his hometown since the devastation of hurricane Katrina.

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"Big" Mike Clemons - Interview

Submitted by webadmin on: Saturday, Nov 14, 2009

There are musicians, producers, sound engineers, and if you combine all of them all you might get someone as talented as "Big" Mike Clemons. He does it all, and regardless of old saying it truly does takes a master to be a jack of all trades. Mike's love for the instrument began with playing pots and pans on the kitchen floor and his ability and drum kits have grown ever since. After graduating high school in 1994 "Big" Mike has performed with Israel Houg ... more »


Jay "Diesel" Soldano - Interview

Submitted by notsodrummer on: Saturday, Nov 14, 2009

At a glance, Jay "Diesel" Soldano is quite an intimidating site and watching his performance on the kit makes him seem even less approachable. He's big, solid, and has an extreme stage presence - pounding and playing the drums like it's for the last time…every time! The guy is just intense! But once you get past the muscles and make up you'll find out that Jay is an awesome guy who just loves people and loves what he does.The last time Drummer Connection interv ... more »


Larone "Skeeter" McMillian - Interview

Submitted by notsodrummer on: Saturday, Nov 14, 2009

Lately a lot of people have come to realize what some have known all along… some of the greatest drummers over the past 20 years have been spawned from the church and gospel music scene.  So much in fact that companies are even making their own "gospel" product lines in order to cater to what some would even call a trend.  But anyone in the pop or R&B scene knows that certain talents and entities can't and won't be denied… one such phenomenon is Larone & ... more »


John Humphrey - Seether - Interview

Submitted by notsodrummer on: Saturday, Nov 14, 2009

If you've listened to the radio in the past 6 years there's no way you could miss a band called Seether. Hailing from South Africa,  Seether has achieved main stream success with smash hits such as Broken, Remedy, Fake It, and several classic cover songs - all of which contribute to their multi-platinum album sales accumulated from a worldwide fan base. (Five million and STILL counting) In October 2003, Seether welcomed John Humphrey (formerly of The Nixons) to be the man entrusted wi ... more »


Lil' Mike Mitchell - Interview

Submitted by webadmin on: Saturday, Nov 14, 2009

There are hundreds young drummers and child prodigies in the world today. Just go on Youtube and you'll find about a million videos of adolescent musicians playing odd time grooves with chops for days. But very few of them play with the control and emotional maturity of a seasoned veteran, occasionally you do find one that separates themselves from all the rest. Drummer Connection had the benefit of interviewing one such prodigy as I sat down with none other than Lil' Mike Mitchell. A ... more »


Brent Easton - Interview

Submitted by - - D - - on: Friday, Nov 13, 2009

  D.C. What is it you like about ddrum and how did you become to part of this awesome family? B.E. What I love about ddum is that it feels like a family. It’s not just all about the drums, even though their drums are great. The relationship between the artists and the reps are great – even Elliott the owner, they showed us they care. We have conversations, we go bowling, it’s not always about drums. I can call them and be like: “ ... more »


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Drummer Comments (3)

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lana123 Says thanks

Submitted On: Thursday, Sep 6, 2012 - 10:29 PM

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billy ashbaugh Says Yeah agreed...another great interview Damian!! Thanks!...

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jan 19, 2010 - 5:27 PM

Yeah agreed...another great interview Damian!! Thanks!

drumfreak Says Nice job guys, great interview!!...

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jan 19, 2010 - 3:47 PM

Nice job guys, great interview!!

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