If you've listened to the radio in the past 6 years there's no way you could miss a band called Seether. Hailing from South Africa, Seether has achieved main stream success with smash hits such as Broken, Remedy, Fake It, and several classic cover songs - all of which contribute to their multi-platinum album sales accumulated from a worldwide fan base. (Five million and STILL counting) In October 2003, Seether welcomed John Humphrey (formerly of The Nixons) to be the man entrusted with leading the music as the pounding force behind the drum kit. I was once told "a good drummer will make a good band great". And since coming aboard John has done nothing less than pay homage to that quote by providing a powerful sound to compliment one of today's most successful bands. One of ddrum's brightest stars, John takes a moment to tell us how their drums make him shine so bright.
Very cool It is a honor to have all these great drummers spend their time with us and share their thoughts. Thanks John.
That's awesome! Thanks for the time John! Great interview Damian!
webadmin Says Thanks to ddrum and John Spinelli as well! If it weren't for the
Submitted On: Thursday, Dec 3, 2009 - 5:51 PM
Thanks to ddrum and John Spinelli as well! If it weren't for them, these interviews would not be possible!