Founded in 1983 ddrum has strived to better the industry by providing a unique relationship with not only their artists but the customers they serve on a daily basis. In the past two years at Winter NAMM ddrum has made great strides in quality and design-quickly becoming a trend setting trailblazer with an acclaimed artist roster growing steadily by the day. With more great deals and product lines on the way, it's no wonder why these days a lot of industry giants are losing sleep. One of these exciting additions is the newly formed "drum syndicate", a social network created to welcome all it's members into the drum family. With awesome perks such as cool merchandise, private forum access, and exclusive deals, it's members will also have a chance to interact with some of the companies hottest artists that check in from time to time. The best part is having a chance to receive passes for the annual drum Syndicate Party where you can hang out and even perform with many of their artists and other great musicians within the company. This year marked the very first event for the syndicate and if you weren't there you definitely missed out. Held at the beautiful Kapok Events Center in Clearwater, FL Drummer Connection was on hand to document what will be the first of many more to come.
The Open House event was held on Saturday November, 14th at the Artist Showroom in the ddrum Warehouse. For the Syndicate Members who attended, it was a chance to check out and jam on several ddrum kits set up in the Showroom. Later that day everyone was treated to several presentations that featured some new up & coming products. Included were, ddrum, Sabian, Groove Juice, Stick Grip and Custom Drum Stix. Our very own Damian King was there to capture the presentations first hand!