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On Nov 6, 2010 - Randy Van Patten of VanzDrumming.com and several supporters teamed up for the 12 Hours of Drumming for Cancer Benefit - Check out the full event details here.
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looking for advice on where to buy inexpensive soundproofing material like the foam and stuff like that.....
or has anyone ever built their own sound proof drum room and what did you use.......thanks
jgodshall Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Tuesday, Dec 7, 2010 - 11:35 AM
I just built one over a garage. I used a combination of insulated double studded walls and drywall clips from sound isolation company (to create same effect for vaulted ceiling). walls are made of 2 pieces of 5/8 drywall with greenglue sandwiched in the middle. The result is pretty good so far, but I still need to quiet down the doorway, which will likely require some sort of defuser/bass trap hung on the inside of the door. I think the products that sound isolation company (www.soundisolationcompany.com) offers are reasonably priced and work well. Happy to discuss further if you're interested as I JUST finished this project and am still working on perfecting it.
soundproofing Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Wednesday, Dec 1, 2010 - 6:39 PM
Well foam does not really work for soundproofing and their really is no such thing as inexpensive soundproofing.
You might find this article interesting
My blog has lots of info on soundproofing and I am not selling anything http://soundproofingwithdave.com
Mongo Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
pedrojuan999 Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Monday, Nov 8, 2010 - 1:33 PM
hey,i think the trick is to stop the air moving throgh the walls so lots of caverties(spaces between walls)EG:build a false wall with anything then a gap and then something thick ,gap, and then the real wall behind,beds are good hanging blankets help anything to stop the air,hope this helps.
Drummer Comments (5)
[+] Add Commentjgodshall Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Tuesday, Dec 7, 2010 - 11:35 AM
I just built one over a garage. I used a combination of insulated double studded walls and drywall clips from sound isolation company (to create same effect for vaulted ceiling). walls are made of 2 pieces of 5/8 drywall with greenglue sandwiched in the middle. The result is pretty good so far, but I still need to quiet down the doorway, which will likely require some sort of defuser/bass trap hung on the inside of the door. I think the products that sound isolation company (www.soundisolationcompany.com) offers are reasonably priced and work well. Happy to discuss further if you're interested as I JUST finished this project and am still working on perfecting it.
soundproofing Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Wednesday, Dec 1, 2010 - 6:39 PM
Well foam does not really work for soundproofing and their really is no such thing as inexpensive soundproofing.
You might find this article interesting
My blog has lots of info on soundproofing and I am not selling anything http://soundproofingwithdave.com
Mongo Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 13, 2010 - 4:15 PM
I found this - maybe it'll help.
Mongo Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 13, 2010 - 4:15 PM
I found this - maybe it'll help.
pedrojuan999 Says Re: need information for best and cheapest materials to build a
Submitted On: Monday, Nov 8, 2010 - 1:33 PM
hey,i think the trick is to stop the air moving throgh the walls so lots of caverties(spaces between walls)EG:build a false wall with anything then a gap and then something thick ,gap, and then the real wall behind,beds are good hanging blankets help anything to stop the air,hope this helps.
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