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Vic Firth Vic Grip...Anyone?

Ddrummer90 - Wed, 08/11/2010 - 01:42 | 1,482 views

I play with gloves and am tired of taping my sticks up for extra grip. Any drummers out there play the vic grip sticks and/or with gloves? I want to know how they'd hold up

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Barefoot Says Re: Vic Firth Vic Grip...Anyone?

Submitted On: Monday, Aug 23, 2010 - 2:17 AM

Been using the Zildjian gloves and 5BN Dip sticks and that combo works great for me. Planning to give the VicGrips a try soon. Will post results... Bobby

Ddrummer90 Says Re: Vic Firth Vic Grip...Anyone?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 18, 2010 - 1:43 AM

I have really dry hands so it's rough. Thanks, bro!

shaun191 Says Re: Vic Firth Vic Grip...Anyone?

Submitted On: Tuesday, Aug 17, 2010 - 6:53 PM

I use both the Vic Grips and the Zildjian Dips. I prefer the look of the Zildjian Dips because they are black as opposed to the Vic Grips which have a red grip. Both seem to be holding up great. My hands sweat a lot and these seem to help a great deal.

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