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Adjusting Snare Wire Tension

Frankster81 - Fri, 08/06/2010 - 21:31 | 1,287 views

Technical question: I decided to bring out my 3 1/2 x 13 piccalo snare drum which is hardly a year old and barely been used. I swaped out the stock batter head and replaced it with an Evans G1 coated head. That probably doesn't matter because my concern is this and can be applied to all size snares: How do you know whe...n you have the snares themselves adjusted too loosely or too tight? I'm having a hard time deciding the right tension on the snares and I don't have an example to follow. The heads are tuned fine. Thanks for whatever suggestions you may have.

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Jason_ Says Re: Adjusting Snare Wire Tension

Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 11, 2010 - 12:36 PM

This is a matter of preference for the most part with a few "rules" to follow. If it's too loose you will have an undesirable amount of sloppy sounding loose rattle. It will almost sound like a timbale with tiny chains on the head. If you start to go too tight you will begin to choke the sound of the resonant head. As you tighten it more the properties of the top head take over and it begins to sound more like a very high pitched tom. If your having trouble getting a feel for it, experiment. Crank it till you choke the bottom head and then slowly loosen it up till you get the sound you want or vice versa. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOUR SNARE STRAINER SETUP IS WELL CENTERED WHEN ENGAGED AND NOT TOO CLOSE TO A BEARING EDGE! If it is close to the bearing edge, take it apart and set it back up. This takes a little practice but makes a good bit of difference.

Frankster81 Says Re: Re: Adjusting Snare Wire Tension

Submitted On: Saturday, Aug 14, 2010 - 11:36 AM

Wonder why I didn't get a notice in my email inbox that you replied. I have it set for that. Anyway...

Thanks for the suggestion, Jason, and that's exactly what I did. The snares are centered and not against the rim and I purposely made the snares loose at first. No thanks on that sound. So I tightened them up until it was fairly obvious that I was choking tkhe lower head and then backed off a little way until it had an appealing sound.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion, Jason. I do appreciate your advice.

Jason_ Says Re: Re: Re: Adjusting Snare Wire Tension

Submitted On: Saturday, Aug 14, 2010 - 3:50 PM

No problem Frankster.

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