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Opinions on DDrum?

SLIVER92 - Sun, 08/09/2009 - 22:10

So I'm looking for a new set (DDrum defiant 7, as someone else posted a link to), and was just looking for some opinions on DDrum, whether it's the brand, the service, or the drums themselves. All opinions and experiences are asked for, so please, help a drummer out! Thanks

Drummer Comments (4)

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ddrumterry Says Re: Opinions on DDrum?

Submitted On: Tuesday, Aug 11, 2009 - 12:23 PM

If you email [email protected] he will take care of you.

drumfreak Says Re: Re: Opinions on DDrum?

Submitted On: Tuesday, Aug 11, 2009 - 12:42 PM

Wow, check that out! The ddrum man himself. That's what Drummer Connection is all about! Hopefully we can keep the community connected with ddrum!

ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Re: Opinions on DDrum?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 12, 2009 - 9:15 AM

Sup Terry!

drumfreak Says Re: Opinions on DDrum?

Submitted On: Tuesday, Aug 11, 2009 - 11:43 AM

I'm sure if you reach through to the right people at ddrum that you will get what you need. At the very least, give Seminole Music & Sound a call in Tampa / Seminole Florida. John will get you the parts you need, and they have a very great relationship with ddrum. Going through Guitar Center may not be as effective as they may have to go through many channels to get what you need. http://www.seminolemusic.com tell them Drummer Connection sent you and ask to speak to John Spinelli.

x73g3ndx Says Re: Opinions on DDrum?

Submitted On: Monday, Aug 10, 2009 - 1:15 PM

I bought myself a Ddrum kit about 3 or 4 years ago I believe. And at the time I heard nothing except the conversations about how amazing the powder coated hardware and finishes were, so without checking them out extensively I just went out and bought something from them. It's a Diablo player series kit, red with black hardware. And for the price it's almost the best you can get. It's got nice projection and with a little tweaking the kit sounds great. However, the last year or so has presented some hardware problems. And yes, when you're playing shows and using your equipment a lot it happens. The real issue I've found is more that with myself and everyone I've talked to Ddrum's customer services don't exist. They "shipped" my replacement floor tom bracket about 5 months ago and neither I nor Guitar Center's drum employees can reach them or recover that bracket. So if you're a young drummer planning on extensive playing or touring without having to worry about problems, look into Ddrum a little and see if it's what you really want.

Ddrummer90 Says Re: Opinions on DDrum?

Submitted On: Monday, Aug 10, 2009 - 2:28 AM

Ddrum is the way to go! I can't preach enough the opportunities ddrum has available for drummers. The diablo and defiant series drums are low-cost, basswood shells made for the drummer on a budget. They are larger size drums and are made for projection. The people at Ddrum are very personable and friendly if you ever attend a clinic. There is a wide arrangement of drum sets and snares in sizes and different wood shells as well. The website says much more than I can about it www.ddrum.com but there is surely a kit for you! Hope to have helped, sliver. Rock on!

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