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iphone (Page 1)

Featured Drummer Video: iDrumTune, ClearTune, Drum-Tuner - iPhone Drum Tuner Apps Review

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Submitted by drumfreak on Thu, 11/22/2012 - 17:48
iDrumTune, ClearTune and Drum-Tuner were tested on the iPhone 4S (with the latest software updates) and compared to a tune-bot. This is my iPhone Drum tuner Apps Review. iDrumTune - $0.99 - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/idrumtune/id519396124?mt=8 ClearTune - $3.99 - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cleartune-chromatic-tuner/id286799607?mt=8 Drum-Tuner - $9.99 - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drum-tuner/id544615058?mt=8 Please leave me a comment bel... read more...

Featured Drummer Video: A Drummer's iPhone - Drummer iPhone Apps

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Submitted by drumfreak on Mon, 03/23/2009 - 23:20
We're aobut to pick up development on the iPhone app again and this is where we're currently at. A few more tweaks, and our app will be ready to go! You can view all of our videos, audio, and participate on the website anywhere in the world with a wifi or 3G / Edge connection! We're looking for people who want to help out and test this. If you have an iPhone and want to mess around, please leave a comment below, and when we're ready to go, we'll contact you! ... read more...

Drummer Blog: iPhone and iPod Touch Drummer Application - Drummer Connection Has It!

Submitted by drumfreak on Thu, 08/14/2008 - 22:43
Well, I've been rather quiet on the site the past week or so and it's because I've had a fever for iPhone development. I've taken some time and have been working really hard on this iPhone Application to interface with Drummer Connection. Imagine you're waiting at the Dr's Office, chilling on your back porch, or just taking a poop, and you have your iPhone in your hand. You can press the fancy icon on your desktop and be off to a wonderful world of drumming at your fingertips. I'm doing it all... read more...

Drummer News: Tech'd out Vdrums with iPhone - Shure is nice!

Submitted by drumfreak on Sun, 09/30/2007 - 16:07
If you own an iPhone, you were probably as frustrated as I was when you realized you ditched you old iPod for this all-in-one wonder device and when you went to plug in your favorite headphones to realize that you need a special Headphone Adapter. The Belkin headphone adapter works for listening, but you don't have a way to speak because there's no microphone available. It's a pain when you're paradiddl'ng your way to stardom and a phone call comes in that you can't miss and you have to dis-c... read more...



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