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Destroyer of the Void, the new album from Portland’s Blitzen Trapper, will be out June 8th. It’s a career-highlight album (“…a great American band emerge on album number five.”—Uncut, in the magazine’s recent 4-star lead review) and over the course of the next month or so, we’ve lined up a whole lots of ways for you to come to this same conclusion.
The band’s newly revamped website, BlitzenTrapper.net, now offers a stream of “Dragon’s Song” off the new record as well as a free download of a demo version of “Heaven and Earth.” On BlitzenTrapper.net you’ll also find the latest work of Blitzen Trapper drummer and film auteur Brian Koch, who has created an eerie and awesome video trailer for Destroyer of the Void.
And, thanks to the folks at NPR, there’s no reason to wait until June 8th to hear the whole record! Starting May 31st and ending on June 8th, Destroyer of the Void will be streamed in its entirety as part of NPR’s First Listen.
There is, of course, as usual, STILL MORE! While you will likely have a chance to see the band live in action in a town near you soon (click here for dates), you can also/should also watch them perform “Dragon’s Song” on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on June 17th.
If you are still reading this, your commendable commitment to Blitzen Trapper-related information tells us that you might be interested in the extremely fancy Blitzen Trapper beer/beverage koozy that we are offering exclusively to people who pre-order the album through subpop.com. Maybe Eric Earley will even deliver it, shirtless, as shown in the rotating photo above? (No, he won’t.)