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in ear monitors

Jason C Dockter - Wed, 06/09/2010 - 17:59 | 9,212 views

Hey guys! I have a question regarding in ear monitors. What is the right equipment to purchase- really do not need a wireless - not wanting to purchase a full cat 5 system- what are my options? Thanks , Jason :)

Drummer Comments (9)

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jgodshall Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Tuesday, Aug 3, 2010 - 2:24 PM

I recently started using a wireless in-ear monitor and love it. I bot the sennheiser EK 300 used from guitar center and I enjoy playing live gigs so much more now. It's simple to set up once, and then just plug into the board at small gigs, or have a sound guy just hand you a xlr and you're golden. I didn't really need wireless but it's nice to be able to move around an not worry about another cable around me. You do have to worry about the ear piece falling out, but comfortable, common sense fixes are what takes care of that. As Docrithim pointed out, You'll hear vocals and other instruments better, AND any ear ringing will be drastically reduced...you control the volume! I can't say enough about it, my best purchase in the last 2 years. buh bye wedge.

docrithim Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 - 9:48 AM

I have found that since using the in ear monitors, my ears don't ring after a performance. We were never really that loud anyway, but my ears would still ring. Now, with the controlled volumes and the ability to hear everything clear without being so loud, it makes it much more comfortable...not only on the job, but after the job!!

Jason C Dockter Says Re: Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 - 10:26 AM


patrice_bangkok Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 - 8:17 AM

Not sure I'd recommend using the M-Audio IE-10. (Or a device with similar specifications.)

Did a search on them; found this: "It helps a lot that these are unusually efficient headphones, with a very low impedance rating of 13 ohms–I never had to turn my iPod nano past halfway to get a comfortable listening level. That means, of course, that you’ll have to be extra careful not to damage your hearing by cranking your iPod past French safe limits."

AFAIK, an impedance of 13 ohm is POISON to your HEARING!!!

Haven't had time to read the whole thing, but also found the following:



Personally, I would never want to use in ear monitors. I always wear my custom-made hearing protection when playing. Live I use monitors, or (when using backing tracks) a pair of high-end Sennheiser headphones, plugged into my own little mixer, so I am *not* at the mercy of the sound engineer (and any ear-damaging mistakes he might possibly make).

Maybe someone with in-depth knowledge on hearing can chime in?

docrithim Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Thursday, Jun 10, 2010 - 5:37 AM

I'm using Shure SCL-3s...relatively inexpensive but great quality. This is the first time on 35+ years of playing that I'm able to hear everything!!! I can't believe I went this long without in ear monitors.

SJDrummer Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 9, 2010 - 11:39 PM

I use sure E2C's, work great for me. Unfortunately I haven't tried anything else, but they are great live and in the studio.

drumfreak Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 9, 2010 - 11:03 PM

I've tried Shure E5's before, they are great, a lot of people like Shure E-3's. If you're drumming at home, I prefer to use Vic Firth Noise Isolation headphones - in-ears tend to be high maintenance.

Onsetdrummer Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 9, 2010 - 10:31 PM

Right now im using Shure SCL2's for my click tracks, they work very well. As for a true in ear system, I can't really help.

BuzzIP21 Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 9, 2010 - 10:23 PM

I agree with Ivan. An M-Audio IE series or even something as simple as an ARTcesseries, My Monitor Personal Mixer will work. Depending on the need I'll use one of these two or my wireless system with my Bose Ear pieces that have been molded for me. As long as the in ear buds are comfortable and you're not over powering your ears with sound in order to hear the mix you're receiving from the board, any ear buds will work. But my two cents would be M-Audio IE Series, ARTcessories Personal Mixer or an inexpensive wireless system. Hope I was of some help. Good luck...

Jason C Dockter Says Re: Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 9, 2010 - 11:02 PM

Thank you very much- I have been inundated with info and really do not know where to start or end- this bit most definitely helps me, thanks. jason.

ivansjob Says Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 9, 2010 - 9:47 PM

M-Audio (iE-10's) Is all you need $99.00

Jason C Dockter Says Re: Re: in ear monitors

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 9, 2010 - 11:01 PM

Thanks brother! I am looking into it!

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