I recently posted a forum titled snare problems. A lot of the things i did helped, but i still feel like the drum doesn't sound as big as Bonhams snare. I was wondering if you knew of any techniques that bonham did while tuning the drums and i didnt know if you could share that with us.
Drummer Comments (1)
[+] Add Commentgroovedrummin Says Re: Bonham
Submitted On: Friday, Jun 11, 2010 - 10:38 AM
Yes, of course. The Ludwig LM402 snare must be used to get that sound. I've tried brass, metal, copper, maple and birch. The snare has to be aluminum, closest to it is just plain steel but to get that sound you need the aluminum. Coated emperor for the batter with medium tension and clear ambassador for the reso. The reso is tension very, very tight, in fact I rarely break batter heads but the reso will pop from time to time. Bonham used 42 strand snares so I picked some up to try and I have to say they didn't really make more of a "snare" sound but created more depth and a larger, bigger sound. So, if you got the tuning right try the changing the snares, I noticed a difference immediately! Hope that helps.
strub09 Says Re: Re: Bonham
Submitted On: Friday, Jun 11, 2010 - 10:42 AM
dude, that is awesome. thank you very much. ill give the 42 strand a try. i did notice it was a bit snarey (if thats even a word) haha.
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