« on: February 24, 2009, 05:45:39 PM »
For over 60 years James Forbes "Jim" Chapin has remained a constant pillar in the industry by helping to provide a strong foundation for the drumming world as we know it. His books have circled the globe inspiring musicians from every cultural background and walk of life. As the last remaining student of Sanford A. Moeller, Chapin has preserved the memory of his mentor by passing on his knowledge of the Moeller method from generation to generation. Please assist Drummer Connection in honoring this living legend by making a small donation towards the */Jim Chapin Lifetime Achievement Award/*. Drummer Connection is also pleased to announce that Dom Famularo - Jim's long time student and friend will personally present the award on behalf of the website, its members, and all of those who have felt the impact of Jim's teachings throughout their lives. Please join today and become a part of this historic occasion.