Our Drummer Events Databases contains drumming related events for you to consider. We try our best to publish events as we discover them. Our events database is for Concerts, Drum Clinics, Conventions and other special events that Drummers may find interesting.
by King on Tue, 01/06/2009 - 11:26
The Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit (FFCC) offers a competitive outlet during winter for color guard, indoor marching percussion and concert percussion units. Our contests follow the rules and criteria of Winter Guard International (WGI) and are judged by both local and national judges trained to use WGI’s adjudication criteria.
This event is being held at Orange Park High School. Ticket price and times are TBA. Please contact the school for further information or visit http://www.ffcc.org
Source: http://www.ffcc.org02/11/2009 - 19:00
It's not a rumor........Jazz is back at Lenny's Cafe` in Temple Terrace on Wednsday...
02/14/2009 - 08:00
The Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit (FFCC) offers a compe...
02/14/2009 - 15:00
Well known throughout the LAUSD school district, Manton Daley is one...
02/18/2009 - 19:00
It's not a rumor........Jazz is back at Lenny's Cafe` in Temple Terrace on Wednsday...
02/21/2009 - 08:00
The Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit (FFCC) o...
02/21/2009 - 08:00
The Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit (FFCC) offers...
02/25/2009 - 12:00
Come out and learn how to "Rockify" the classics with Semin...
02/25/2009 - 19:00
It's not a rumor........Jazz is back at Lenny's Cafe` in Temple Terrace on Wednsday...
02/26/2009 - 19:00
Carmine Appice has been a pioneer in the percussion industry for over 4 decades. He's al...
02/28/2009 - 08:00
WGI Sport of the Arts, a non...
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