Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection

Drummer Events

Our Drummer Events Databases contains drumming related events for you to consider. We try our best to publish events as we discover them. Our events database is for Concerts, Drum Clinics, Conventions and other special events that Drummers may find interesting.

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Marco Minnemann Clinic @ Explorer's Drums & Percussion : Kansas City,MO

by King on Mon, 11/10/2008 - 14:53

German native, Marco Minnemann is looked upon by his peers as one of the most gifted, innovative, cutting-edge drummers on the international music scene today. He has won numerous awards for his educational drum books and videos and was recently featured on the cover of the World’s #1 Drum Magazine, Modern Drummer. Minnemann’s unusual drum kit set up, which includes an array of multiple foot pedals, Gong drum, electronics and unique cymbal configurations, combined with his amazing, extreme interdependence skills has propelled him to superstar status among today’s elite drumming royalty. His total command of four-way independence is unequaled, and his over-the-top drumming creations are simply mind-boggling. He is a total drumming Super-Freak! Clinic starts at 7PM so come early!

Order your tickets in advance now for only $10. At the door they will be $12 so order early!
Price - $10.00

For more info please visit http://www.explorersdrums.com/

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