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by King on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 16:21
A Zendrum is a hand-crafted MIDI Controller that is used as a percussion instrument. There are two Zendrum models that are well-suited for live performances, the ZX and the LT. The Zendrum ZX is worn like a guitar and consists of a triangular hardwood body with 24 touch-sensitive plastic pads which act as MIDI triggers. The Zendrum LT can also be worn with a guitar strap, but it has 25 MIDI triggers in a symmetrical layout, which provides an ambidextrous playing surface. The pads are played by tapping or slapping with the fingers or hands. As a controller, the Zendrum does not make any sound by itself. It uses an electronic interface called MIDI to control a synthesizer or electronic drum device that generates the musical sounds.
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Drummer Comments
ThatDrummerKid says: Ive seen this
I'm not sure where, but I have seen this before!
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