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I'm just goofing off this afternoon, gonna try to get the Ecstasy of Groove nailed down on video for my playalong version upload. Have fun, I'll be at it for about an hour.
Drummer Comments (3)
[+] Add Commentmgsmiley Says What kind of drum mics do
Submitted On: Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 - 5:21 PM
What kind of drum mics do you use?
drumfreak Says Shure SM57 snare, Audix D6
Submitted On: Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 - 5:26 PM
Shure SM57 snare, Audix D6 Kick, Shure Beta 98's on the toms, and AKG C414's on the overhead - turned off.
mgsmiley Says How about trying the
Submitted On: Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 - 5:18 PM
How about trying the Porcupine Tree song the Sound of muzak
drumfreak Says you are crazy :)
Submitted On: Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 - 5:24 PM
you are crazy :)
drumfreak Says Rockin' it for an hour. I'm
Submitted On: Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 - 4:40 PM
Rockin' it for an hour. I'm gonna be jamming out this afternoon at my own free will. Feel free to tune in, and leave me a comment! If you find a playalong on tell me the name and I'll play it for you - regardless if I can or not.
mgsmiley Says Ok how about trying the
Submitted On: Saturday, Oct 3, 2009 - 5:15 PM
Ok how about trying the Porcupine Tree Sound of Muzak !
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