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Whats the softest drum throne available?

Barefoot - Sat, 06/12/2010 - 16:10 | 4,204 views

Im a skinny guy and dont have much "padding" of my own ;-) Currently I use the roc-n-soc nitro cycle seat which is not as soft as I would like, and Im looking for alternatives. Ive read reviews and descriptions that seem relevant on these;
Pearl 900 • Gibralter Softy • Gibralter Dome • Tama Round Rider • Pork Pie Gel. Since Im a lightwieght, Im not particularly concerned with the strength of the throne. After playing, my butt is the sorest part of my body and its time to resolve this problem. At this point Im leaning toward the PorkPie Gel based the description of its design. Would appreciate any suggestions or "real world" experience with this. Thanks.. Bobby

Drummer Comments (6)

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Barefoot Says Re: Whats the softest drum throne available?

Submitted On: Monday, Aug 23, 2010 - 1:44 AM

thanks guys for all your input. havent got around to making my purchase yet, but i value your knowledge and appreciate you taking the time to help. will report back after i get a new one. thanks again. bobby

treetopcow Says Re: Whats the softest drum throne available?

Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 22, 2010 - 10:17 AM

Hi George,
I have had this same problem for years now (Im skinny too). My bum aches a lot after any longish gig. I might try the DW air lift that the guy above mentioned (thanks for that). If you find a stool that solves your problem, please let me know!!! I agree it's time to get this sorted :) www.scotthammond.co.uk

Scott (Bristol, UK)

George Duncan Says Re: Whats the softest drum throne available?

Submitted On: Sunday, Aug 8, 2010 - 9:55 PM

Pork Pie is the way to go. I have three of them.

slowmotioncowboy Says Re: Whats the softest drum throne available?

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010 - 10:43 PM

I have sat with a pillow on my seat before and it is a lot more comfy than the bare seat, and a lot cheaper than a new seat!

the_drummer_91 Says Re: Whats the softest drum throne available?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 - 3:25 PM

I have the DW 9000 Air Lift. I have had the same problem as you with other thrones and I have never had that with this thrown. It is bulky and quite heavy, so if you play in small clubs this throne does take some space. Other than that I have no regrets, you can even add a backing to it if you liked that about the Roc-n-Soc

strub09 Says Re: Whats the softest drum throne available?

Submitted On: Saturday, Jun 19, 2010 - 10:04 AM

From what i have tried, i would go with the pork pie. but i am also a novice drummer and havent been doing it that long. Good Luck with your rump dude. haha

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