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The Best Deal I've ever heard of

CompulsiveDrummer - Sat, 05/16/2009 - 22:02 | 5,172 views

I was talking to my friend one day about deals and he told me when he used to live in Austin, he found a deal on craigslist for a pearl 16 piece with roto toms 2 hi hats, 2 crashes, a ride, splash, and 2 chinas all for just 250$. I think thats just a little under priced. lol

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Ddrummer90 Says Re: The Best Deal I've ever heard of

Submitted On: Friday, May 29, 2009 - 12:05 AM

For a 16-piece, yes indeed. They were either getting rid of it or it was clearly a scam. For a kit so large there was a blunt lack of cymbals to back up the low asking price.

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