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strong sticks

hazard_drummer - Sun, 04/19/2009 - 19:13 | 8,934 views

i keep breaking sticks, but i don't know what to do. I have tried to get thicker sticks, but of course, in about 2 days, they are history. Any and all advice will be appreciated. Thanks.


Drummer Comments (6)

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DISARRAY Says Re: strong sticks

Submitted On: Thursday, Feb 18, 2010 - 1:24 PM

most likely playing cheap or vic filth sticks. if you are a hard hitter, play rock metal or whatever aggressive hitting stuff, VATER. period. i switch to vater 3an from EVERYBODYS sticks 3 years ago and i swear, i have not broke one stick since. my main band is hardcore/metal and boy did i break sticks on stage and hated it! i do play all genres of music as well so a stick that does it all was needed. stoped playing 5b and started with vater 3a nylons.smaller grip, round same weight, beefffyyy shoulder and bullet proof. try them anyway after evaluating your attack. you WILL be amazed. i landed 2 stick endorsments and still BUY vaters anyway. really, good insurance there. plain and simple. keith

thundafoot Says Re: strong sticks

Submitted On: Monday, Oct 19, 2009 - 7:43 PM

we all have come to a vote and agree that u might want to look at where you are hitting your heads or rims. Look at the marks on your heads and then look at the marks on your rims. If there are more marks on your rims then u might want to practice more on wrist movement instead of using your arm. You don't have to hit your heads hard to make a sound. Try getting yourself a practice pad and try flicking your wrist and loosen up on your grip. Work on the rudements while using your practice pad. This is just a suggestion . As far as sticks go u might want to try some heavy sticks, the lighter the stick the more tendency to hit harder.

remy_starwing Says Re: strong sticks

Submitted On: Saturday, Sep 19, 2009 - 8:16 PM

This is something that I talk about all the time when I get someone that comes up to me at one of my shows saying, "DUDE, lemmie jam your kit!"
How do you strike?
It has to do with how you are striking and where you are striking, you might not even realize it but you might be making a lot of rimshots and that is tearing up your wood.
Also, you are using too much of your arm in the strike, you must develop a wrist and fore-arm technique so that you are breaking your sticks, wasting money, and aren't breaking cymbals, because of striking technique.
It is small stuff man for real, I can have a set of Pro-Mark 7A Sticks last me four to five months before throwing them down.
It's all technique... I can totally agree with each aspect DrummerKid is telling you man, we aren't lying bro!

- - D - - Says Re: strong sticks

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jun 24, 2009 - 2:02 PM

Ahead sticks are a good alternative if your a wood Chuck behind the set, but like other sticks, they do break...eventually. This may be a bit different than what most drummers would do but you can do like the marching band drumline and wrap your stick with electrical tape. That is probaly the best shield you equip your sticks with, the only thing is that it will add some weight(good for practice). So what you can do is get yourself a pair of some 5A's or 5B's and wrap it with electric tape. Increase grip and life. Just a suggestion! good luck homie!

Ddrummer90 Says Re: strong sticks

Submitted On: Thursday, May 28, 2009 - 11:58 PM

I agree with drummer kid, try a little more wrist. It may seem weird at first but another suggestion is Ahead sticks. They are aluminum and lots of drummers nowadays are switching to the brand. A bit pricey but no broken sticks!

darkwyld Says Re: Re: strong sticks

Submitted On: Tuesday, Sep 15, 2009 - 6:46 PM

i had ahead sticks weht through 2 pair in 2 weeks

ThatDrummerKid Says Hmm

Submitted On: Wednesday, Apr 22, 2009 - 11:22 AM

You can try to relex a little more in your playing and try to use a littler more wrist than arm. Also depending on what kinda music your playing, can also influence the kinda stick you should use. And on more thing, the angle of your cymbals, or the way your striking them. If you hit them at more of a glance then you'd be less likely to chew up your sticks, and you get the same power and sound out of your cymbals.

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