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Racks vs Stands

WraithDagger - Wed, 07/23/2008 - 18:21 | 7,615 views

What do you prefer and why?  is there a specific time you prefer one over the other?  what kind of racks do you like? What kind of stands?

Myself I have never used a rack I have always had stands and am thinking about racks so that I can combine my kits when I want to and am curious what everyone uses...

Drummer Comments (23)

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slowmotioncowboy Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Monday, Jul 26, 2010 - 1:46 AM

I've got stands but I really want to switch to a rack, because my drum set is frickin' HUGE, and all the stands are cluttery.

Drummer27565 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Thursday, Apr 29, 2010 - 12:07 PM

I've always used stands, but I'd probably use a rack if I hadn't already bought a bunch of stands for all my cymbals.

duayne67 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Wednesday, Feb 10, 2010 - 2:40 AM

Rack, all the way! I use the Gibraltar V-Rack for my 8", 10" & 12" rack toms and all my cymbals. With the memory locks, my things are always in the same spot. It's easy to haul the rack assembled in the back of my pickup, and just attach the toms & cymbals when I get to the venue. Only takes two to carry it in to the riser/stage area. Plus, it maintains a much smaller footprint as opposed to bulky stands which are easy to trip over, knock over, etc. Just my opinion...

drum-dude Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Tuesday, Feb 2, 2010 - 3:56 PM

Either. I have both a rack kit and a stand kit. Rack saves on stand clutter but takes more time to set up and down. Smaller(ish) stand kit great for smaller venues and quickness

Ddrummer90 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Monday, Sep 28, 2009 - 2:41 AM

I use a Gibraltar stealth rack for my snare, two rack toms and a splash that goes in the clamp. All the rest are stands. It's easy to setup and break down due to the memory locks and since I have mounts in both of my bass drums, it's really convenient for gigs.

DrumBum27 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Sunday, Sep 20, 2009 - 3:32 PM

I prefer stands. Haven t bought one yet, but I'm planning on getting a DW tom stand, to mount my first tom on. then the floor tom, and bass drum are independent. Which is so much more comfortable to play.

DecompProject Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Thursday, Aug 6, 2009 - 2:22 PM

I use a Gibralter straight rack with my kit, with lots of memory locks. its great because it reduces your set up time, once you have everything set in place and locked all you have to do is put your toms on and cymbals and your ready to go, no messing with the little things or while playing live having the risk of your kit being set up differantly and uncomfortable. its just a pain in the ass to lug around, I suggest buying a van lol. but if you don't use a lot of toms or cymbals there is really no need for one.

IDRUM77 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Monday, Jul 20, 2009 - 5:14 PM

I mean if you have more than like 3 toms and like 5 cymbals then you need a drum rack. I use the pearl dp ( what ever its called ) And it works great! RACKS ALL THE WAY!!!

darthmonkey113 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Saturday, Jun 27, 2009 - 12:28 AM

Ivegot a pdp rack, and I love it. I would need eight cymbal stands at least for my five toms, four crashes, splash, ride, and twochinas. So, a rackfor me is way more cost effective, and easy to set up consistently. racks all the way

ThatDrummerKid Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Friday, May 22, 2009 - 11:08 AM

I'll only use stands. Unless I'm playing the S.S. Bozzio, I'm gonna stick to cymbal stands hehe...

sadash27 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 - 12:43 PM

Straight cymbal stands all the way. Racks are just a little much for me. I like each cymbal being on a different stand entirely, all it's own.

In fact that's how I loke everything I guess because I want to get another snare stand to use to hold my tom. Then of course have the bass druk by it self.

thundafoot Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - 9:09 PM

I use a gibraltar db rack system plus stands. everything fits on it and is easy to transport when giging

kcahanin Says Stands vs Racks

Submitted On: Tuesday, Apr 28, 2009 - 5:25 PM

stands are good & pack tight. But recently bought rack on wheels. I pack the snare,hihat,throne, Pedals & cables & im done!! The mics & drums stay mounted on the racks, bungee chord drums to the (2)racks so they dont bounce around & everything rolls in the trailer they are awsome literaly 10 min pack up. (7 piece kit)
just built a 24h 24w & 5ft long box on wheels & lay hihat in it set up with accessories & done! wala! finish!,gone.

drumfreak Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Tuesday, Apr 28, 2009 - 8:42 AM

I like them both. The rack is a pain to setup sometimes, but it gives you an opportunity to add more things to your kit easily. The tom stands also work very well, so it just depends on what you're into.

Keep on Drumming!

King Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Monday, Mar 16, 2009 - 1:14 PM

Yeah, and they're hard to transport without having to break the whole thing down, unless you have a truck or a van. What's funny s that I used to pack my 7 piece kit, rack and all inside of a 1999 Hyundai Accent! It didn't take too long to put my rack together at shows because it broke down into 3 large pieces, but it was still a pain in the neck. I guess as a drummer there's no real way to get around setting up your gear unless someone's smart/stupid enough to set it up for you....unless you pay them. Most racks now are hollow so that makes it a lot easier.

sticksofury989 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Monday, Mar 16, 2009 - 12:17 PM

i would prefer to have a rack but i have stands right. i would prefer a rack because it won't bounce as much as a stand does when i overly enthusiastically hit a cymbal or something to that effect. also, it will make it easier to expand on and your kit wont be all cluttered up with 20 stands. racks just make things easier. only downside is there usually not quite as portable as stands. there also somewhat heavier.

r2champion Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 1, 2008 - 1:30 AM

I have a 6 piece kit that I plan on gigging with soon. I hope to have a rack system before then for ease of setup considering that I have a lot of cymbals as well. For the time being, I have my kit set up with no need to move it much and the stands suit me well.

onthebeat Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Monday, Aug 11, 2008 - 1:16 PM

I do jazz gigs and my normal setup has been with a virgin bass and a Gibraltor rack. I have switched from 1 tom on top to 2 or 3, depending. I also use 2 or 3 cymbals depending.
I have, however, run into the situation where when you do a festivale, you are rushed for time- setup/play/tear down. Om the other end of the spectrum, a small club date/dinner/background situation dictates a "smaller" sound and usually less room. While I love my rack system, I now find it neccesary to look for a smaller, easier setup and sice I have a virgin bass and no leg on my 14" floor tom, I have to switch completely.
So, while the rack gives me a lot of different. and "plug and play" options, with no extra stands, I sometime have issues with the extra step of carrying the rack when I don't need all that.
Great to have options. If you play big all the time, I love the rack. If you play small sometime, it's extra equipment that sort of makes you carry more when you wouldn't have.
Hope that helps!

King Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Tuesday, Aug 5, 2008 - 9:56 AM

I can dig that.It looks simpler than most rack set ups. It just proves that you don't have to have a huge rack in order for it to be effective. Nice pic Dave and by the way...your prize is being situated as we speak, I didn't forget about you :)

Dave Heim Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008 - 11:52 AM

What about stuff like this?


BBruins12 Says Re: Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Monday, Apr 27, 2009 - 7:28 PM

That's kind of a cool rack system. I've never seen one with dual tri-pods for legs.

King Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 29, 2008 - 12:49 PM

If you don't use a lot of stands you don't need a rack. I have a Gibraltar rack and I'm happy with it. I really helps me get set up quickly without having to lug around extra stands. As long as you don't over tighten the circular racks they will never slip on you, but if so I have a solution for that one too.

Dave Heim Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 24, 2008 - 4:25 PM

It depends on the gig.  That's what dictates the set I will use.

The set I use most often has a Pearl Icon rack.  It's only a 5-piece, with traditional sizes (22 bass, 12 & 13 toms, 14 floor), but I like the quick set-up and ease of positioning.  I have all the rack mounts color coded to their corresponsing cymbal and tom arms.  Between that and the memory locks on all key stand or mount sections it's very easy to get everything in the right spot - every time.

I do play a fair amout of smaller gigs (jazz gigs, smaller venues, etc.) for which I bring out different, smaller, sets of drums.  Those sets have regular stands with good ole' tripod bases.  My really small configurations use the lightweight/flat-base stands.

drumhead101541 Says Re: Racks vs Stands

Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 24, 2008 - 10:28 AM

Well I have never been a fan of racks being that I don't use a big enough kit to need one. If i had a big kit i'd only use it if i was on tour (and playing in a space that could fit one.

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