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Syncopation - Ted Reed

Dave Heim - Wed, 07/09/2008 - 22:28 | 9,119 views

Ted Reed's Syncopation is a classic.  A lot of guys play it through straight, get a handle on reading and playing syncopated rhythms and then put the book on a shelf.  But there's more to this book than meets the eye.. .

[li]After playing the book straight thru, try playing the figures with your feet to enhance your bass drum technique.[/li]
[li]Try playing a straight 8th note ride pattern with your right hand and playing the syncopated figures in the book with your left on the snare.[/li]
[li]Then do the same thing with a swing feel.[/li]
   If you have this book on your shelf, dust it off and try some of these ideas.  If you don't have Syncopation yet, get a copy - it's a must have for every drummer's library.

Drummer Comments (5)

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hardcorelogo Says Re: Syncopation - Ted Reed

Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 14, 2009 - 2:31 AM

You can also play the syncopation section straight over a samba ostinato , which is great for independance.You can also apply Billy's "Flow" method and play the figures as rimshots, toms etc. The end of the book, if i remember, has a section with triplet and sixteenth note accents which can be used in the same way.Mix match measures to come up with interesting phrases.Play unaccented notes as double strokes.There is so much you can do with it!

ocin311 Says Re: Syncopation - Ted Reed

Submitted On: Wednesday, Aug 19, 2009 - 10:30 PM

holy crap I gotta pick this book back up!! good call guys!

I also need to get back into the art of bop drumming!

toddvinciguerra Says Re: Syncopation - Ted Reed

Submitted On: Friday, Jul 17, 2009 - 7:03 PM

Try using your books this way for a bit of a change, it works well with Stick Control as well....
Start reading from the first measure of the page, top left, then drop down a line, read the first measure, drop down to the third line and read the first measure, etc until you reach the bottom of the page. From there read the second measure, go up one line and read the second measure of that line etc, so the end result is you a 'snaking' through the page.


Dave Heim Says Re: Syncopation - Ted Reed

Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 10, 2008 - 2:15 PM

The mixed bar exercises in the book make good sight-reading warm-ups!

drumhead101541 Says Re: Syncopation - Ted Reed

Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 10, 2008 - 9:50 AM

Hmm I'll look into that!

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