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Other female newbies?

By: dcstyx - Fri, 07/11/2008 - 01:08


Any other ladies out there?  I love the drums, although I don't play that well, I am learning!

Drummer Comments (13)

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Bdesormeaux Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Dec 31, 2009 - 5:43 PM

[quote author=inclineline606 link=topic=94.msg1324#msg1324 date=1230504525]
... Any advice on beginner tuning?

Actually, They have a guy who posted on tuning https://drummerconnection.com/forums/index.php?topic=68.0
Also, They have a cool little tool called the 'DrumDial Drum Tuner' I own one, It's worth the 60$

King Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Monday, Dec 29, 2009 - 9:28 AM

Hmmmm..drum tuning.It's actually easy to do, just hard to explain without typing an entire page about it. So many drummers are intimidated by having to tune their own drums. I remember the first time I had to tune an entire kit all by myself. It sucked! But that's just how you learn, eventually your ear knows what to listen for. I know some people can be tone def but you know if something sounds good or not. Here is a god link to follow for tuning drums http://www.peelerdrumcenter.com/tech_talk_drum_tuning.htm

You can also do some Youtube searches for "drum tuning". I'm more of a visual learner myself.

inclineline606 Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Sunday, Dec 28, 2008 - 5:48 PM

Hey! I'm Julian.
I am a new drummer, as in I mess with drums at music places and I just got a second-hand set that needs tuning.
I play other instruments and thought I'd try to learn the drums. Any advice on beginner tuning?

Dave Heim Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 16, 2008 - 10:31 AM

[quote author=king link=topic=94.msg397#msg397 date=1216212791]
. . . the trick to playing fast is to play slow.

A lot of it is muscle memory and conditioning. 

Playing slowly helps with your accuracy and timekeeping (THAT'S what will get you hired!).  If you can't play something slowly [b]and accurately[/b], there's no way you'll be able to play it fast [b]and accurately[/b].

King Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 16, 2008 - 8:53 AM

Listen to Dave...he knows the way. And reading is fundamental, the trick to playing fast is to play slow.

Dave Heim Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 16, 2008 - 7:49 AM

[quote author=dcstyx link=topic=94.msg384#msg384 date=1216191695]
I have a drum set and I play for my church.  Most of the other musicians are guys and they help out alot.  I took lessons for a couple of months, but my schedule got pretty hectic.  I figured I didn't need to know how to read music anyway.  (I'll probably regret that later) I'm now going back to practicing my rudiments and trying to get faster.


I do wish you would consider taking lessons again, and work on learning to read (yes, you may regret it later!).  Don;t worry about speed - playing faster.  That comes with time and practice.

I've been playing a long time.  I've played hundreds and hundreds of gigs over the years and I can honestly tell you I've not been hired for one of them because I can play fast.

Keep practicing!

dcstyx Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 16, 2008 - 3:01 AM

I have a drum set and I play for my church.  Most of the other musicians are guys and they help out alot.  I took lessons for a couple of months, but my schedule got pretty hectic.  I figured I didn't need to know how to read music anyway.  (I'll probably regret that later) I'm now going back to practicing my rudiments and trying to get faster.

King Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 16, 2008 - 1:37 AM

I don't agree because I've seen many a guy get dusted by a female because he didn't give her the benefit of the doubt. YOU GO GIRL!

drumfreak Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Monday, Jul 14, 2008 - 7:33 PM

Oh and

Welcome to the site!

Check out our FAQ: https://drummerconnection.com/faq

drumfreak Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Monday, Jul 14, 2008 - 9:09 AM


I appreciate your feedback on that and we'll avoid doing something like creating a special forum for that topic.


smoggrocks Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Sunday, Jul 13, 2008 - 5:10 PM

[quote author=drumfreak link=topic=94.msg328#msg328 date=1215917649]
I should make a forum just for drummer chicks.

please DON'T!!!

those forums always degrade into discussions that have nothing to do with drumming. granted, i think there ARE some issues that are chick-centric as they pertain to drums, but...a drummer is a drummer is a drummer [or should be]. the main thing is taking the time to learn and become a better drummer--and a better musician.

that said...i like my drums sparkly and my mascara black ;D

drumfreak Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Saturday, Jul 12, 2008 - 10:54 PM

I should make a forum just for drummer chicks.

drummerchick Says Re: Other female newbies?

Submitted On: Saturday, Jul 12, 2008 - 9:21 PM

YUP!!!! thats me! im the crazy drummer chick. ;D and i tell ya, i get a lot of crap sometimes for being the only girl iin my drumline, all the guys telling me im not as good as a guy can drum, but oh man! BOY WERE THEY SUPRISED WHEN I MADE SNARE CAPTAIN AND BATTERY LEADER. revenge is sweet.  ;)

so anyways, what kinda drums do u play? r u in a corps or a line? i kno u said u were starting out, is it just set? whatever the case, here goes my slogan:


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