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S. florida rock/alternative/metal band looking for a drummer.

EmptyMe - Mon, 10/18/2010 - 08:34 | 983 views

My name is Joe, I am in an up and coming band called EmptyMe. We are looking for a new drummer. our drummer had to relocate. This is not a paying gig. we are looking for a new band member to play shows and work on original music. we are a few songs shy of a full album release. we are a heavy rock group. we play at various venus and even play churches upon request. there isnt much we dont do. we are looking for a mature drummer between the ages of 21-35 that is responsible and commited to being successful. also being well versed in double bass is a must! please have all your own equipment. our band consists of vocals, 2 guitarists and a bass player. we are auditioning a piano player as well. we also practice twice a week for a few hours. obviously with the goal of playing big shows. look us up on facebook or www.reverbnation.com/emptyme to view our profile. thanks, and we look forward to meeting all that inquire. if your interested send a text to my cell, 954-275-5187

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