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Mapex Meridian maple snare throw off issue

toddc - Thu, 07/22/2010 - 12:27 | 3,024 views

I just bought a MApex Meridian Maple Manhattan shell pack and the snare throw off is a bit disappointing.
It's very stiff. Hard to throw on and off.

Is this typical of this Mapex snare drum?
Has anyone experienced this before?
Any suggestions on how to fix it?


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toddc Says Re: Mapex Meridian maple snare throw off issue

Submitted On: Wednesday, Jul 28, 2010 - 2:37 PM

OK I just checked out three other snare drums of same make and model and the throw of was worse on one, about the same on another and a little better on another.

I'm going to jump to the conclusion this model of snare drum has an unacceptable throw off design. Especially if sold with jazz/be-bop kits because the throw off is used a lot in jazz.

Of course one could say its an inexpensive snare. But I'm not convinced this is an issue of cost of production. The variance of each snare is already an indication of what the problem may be. Each costs the same to manufacture. Why the variance in quality?

Come on Mapex you can do better than this. I know you can.

slowmotioncowboy Says Re: Re: Mapex Meridian maple snare throw off issue

Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 29, 2010 - 1:03 AM

If you go on drumbuilder.com you can buy a new throw off for less than 20 bucks. Not sure on quality, but it is an online store, so beware.

toddc Says Re: Re: Re: Mapex Meridian maple snare throw off issue

Submitted On: Thursday, Jul 29, 2010 - 12:48 PM

I think that's what I'm going to do. I can't use it as is.

toddc Says Re: Mapex Meridian maple snare throw off issue

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010 - 5:49 PM

Good thought.... but the snares are not tight. I never choke my snare drum.

This stiffness starts very early in the throw.
I'm taking it back to where I bought it.
They've promised to check it out and make it good whatever it takes.
Great guys!

Thanks for your response :)

slowmotioncowboy Says Re: Re: Mapex Meridian maple snare throw off issue

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010 - 10:38 PM

yeah no problem! otherwise, I'd just slap some grease on there. Even though it probably wouldn't be too good for the drum :S

slowmotioncowboy Says Re: Mapex Meridian maple snare throw off issue

Submitted On: Tuesday, Jul 27, 2010 - 4:27 PM

Usually my snare throw off is like that if the snares are wound really tight. I'd try losening them.

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