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Email Notification

ringochris - Fri, 04/09/2010 - 17:02 | 4,117 views

I don't know how hard it is to do, but I think email notification would be a helpful addition to the site. For instance, if I make a comment on a forum, I would be notified of any replies. Sometimes I reply to a forum subject, then forget all about it. It means you have to remember any posts you have made, and navigate it every time to check for replies. Also it would be nice to be notified if someone comments on one of your video uploads for instance. Obviously you should be able to opt out if you don't want your inbox bombarded!


Drummer Comments (3)

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drumfreak Says haha

Submitted On: Saturday, Apr 10, 2010 - 9:31 PM


ringochris Says Re: Email Notification

Submitted On: Friday, Apr 9, 2010 - 7:01 PM

Thanks Billy, I didn't know that. Going to do that right now!

ringochris Says Re: Re: Email Notification

Submitted On: Friday, Apr 9, 2010 - 7:04 PM

Ooops, sorry drumfreak, I thought it was Billy answering for some reason! Cheers anyway!

drumfreak Says Re: Email Notification

Submitted On: Friday, Apr 9, 2010 - 6:02 PM

Hi, there is a system in place, but it's still in development. However, you can activate your notifications by going to "My Stuff" > "Edit My Account" from the navigation menu above (after you are logged in). Then on your account edit page, go to Notifications and select "Content Type". A menu will appear where you can go through and turn on "Email" for each type of content. Likewise, you can change your default notification type from just your account edit page to "Mail" instead of "Simple". I would link you but the link would not work for everyone, you should follow my steps above.


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