Drummer Connection
Drummer Connection

Drummer Connection Forum

hey everyone!

mikef1490 - Fri, 12/11/2009 - 23:04

hey all, I guess I could say I am a new drummer. I just got my first 5 piece kit this summer (early august)and I am still learning the ropes. I go to college (I'm 19) and thankfully got into a music program here with a drum studio so I'm trying to learn everything I can as fast as I can haha.

hopefully one day I can use my drumming ability to play in a band, which has always been a life long dream for me and I'm sure goes the same for many of you.

I'm glad I this site and I wish the best for everyone on here!


P.S. I want to try and record myself playing (audio and video). What are good microphones to use for that?

Drummer Comments (2)

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ThatDrummerKid Says Re: hey everyone!

Submitted On: Monday, Dec 14, 2009 - 1:42 PM

Welcome to the site man!

hmm as far as mics go, there are soo many choices even when on a budget.. I agree that the Shure SM57 mic pack is a great pack. That's what I typically use!

DaaNeeLow Says Re: hey everyone!

Submitted On: Monday, Dec 14, 2009 - 9:52 AM

dude there are plenty of choices depending on your budget. If your looking for somthing simple to get started you can go with the shure sm57 drum pack..its 400 buks.

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