whats up everyone..Havent been on in a while but anyways, I am purchasing some drum mics to record my kit as well as us them for my bassist and guitarist..I dont wanna go broke because I am purchasing the interface and either an apple I MAC or a really nice Hp pc, but Ive been lookin and looking and there are so many choices. I used to have a set of audix but they got stolen at a show. if it helps, I use Tama starclassic maple kits. and zildjian cymbals. soo any suggestions and where is a good place to get em for cheap ?
Drummer Comments (6)
[+] Add Commentwootonworks Says Re: Drum mics? what should I get?
Submitted On: Thursday, Mar 11, 2010 - 10:06 AM
Beyer dynamics make a mic its call the MT88 i think...but anyway on a kick drum, it sounds awesome...it is costly $500 dollars for just that one mic, but its worth every penny!
the pre packaged drum mic kit by shure...is a decent set of mics for the money, i have used them to record, and they do pretty good.
DISARRAY Says Re: Drum mics? what should I get?
Submitted On: Thursday, Feb 18, 2010 - 1:12 PM
this is a "money is short" solution here. not ideal but i have used this to record a couple pre-pro demos for us (sound better than most bands albums) and tracked drums for a couple local bands albums to produce. always use a good snare and kick mic. dont skimp. but i stumbled on these digital reference mic kits for cheap and was amazed at the sound of them. they are an off company to a big name so they are at least desent and if used them live for some time. i use there kick on the floor tom, all the tom mics, the extra tom on the reso snare side, and the overhead condensers are crisp. an sm57 on snare top and a d6 audix on kick. its easier to eq out to much bottom in kick than to correctly add.
digital reference kit was 199 with 4 toms a kick and 2 overheads. they have a smaller kit for cheaper i think.
sm57 is 99 bucks and the audix d6 is 159 and there is a super cool L.E. brushed silver one thats pretty bad arse. hope this help. there are way better solutions is money is not a thing, but this is what i interpreted you needed.keith
DrumFC Says Re: Drum mics? what should I get?
Submitted On: Monday, Nov 23, 2009 - 5:26 PM
Ya CAD is great. My church has them. Money is tight for me right now, and those wont break your wallet like remy says.
mrstickstuff Says Re: Drum mics? what should I get?
Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 21, 2009 - 8:06 PM
Best on Toms, and Snare-SM57's Kick- Sennheizer 421 or AKGD112 Best triggers i have used are the
Barcus Berry w/3m two sided extra grip tape. They never double trigger and last years! Over heads, any good condenser mics and cross them(Tape together 90deg form each other) 4 feet above drums- This will produce the best stereo sound ever!
Mr Stick Stuff
www.myspace.com/mrstickstuff The first two songs I recorded with two Sennheizer 421's behind the drums 4 feet off the ground (Live!) into a Cassette recorder then transfered to CD
drumfreak Says Re: Re: Drum mics? what should I get?
Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 21, 2009 - 8:51 PM
Nice! Can you show us a video of your setup or perhaps some pics? I wanna see how you tape those condensers!
drumfreak Says Drum mics? what should I get?
Submitted On: Saturday, Nov 21, 2009 - 12:26 PM
First of all GO MAC ALL THE WAY! Trust me, you will thank me later. Especially after you see our upcoming video series on how to hook it all up and use Logic. You can get away with Logic Express 2009 for $199 I believe, or buy the full Logic Studio for like $800. It's freaking worth it!! Trust me, I'm a computer expert / a computer programmer / a server technician and so much more, MAC will make you happy. Forget about the HP PC... trust me man!!
If you can't afford the extra software, Mac comes with Garage Band which is very ample for recording a few tracks.
Ok for Mics - Shure makes a killer Drum Mic pack. You cannot go wrong with that one. The only thing you may need is an overhead mic or two - unless you want to put the extra Shure SM57's on the overhead - which I have seen done. The mic pack comes with a Beta 52 (Kick Mic), 4 Shure SM57's and mounting clips, etc. Very awesome for around $350?
Audix makes some really cool (Audix F-90's) Tom mics to - $100 each roughly. These are comparable to the Shure Beta 98's which are tom mount mics. Very nice mics and a fraction of the cost compared to Shure Beta98's (the 98's are $300 / each).
Please do let us know if you have any questions, and please budget ahead of time for Mic Cables - that one always bites people in the ass! Mic Cables can run $30 - $70 / each depending on the brand and length.
remy_starwing Says Re: Drum mics? what should I get?
Submitted On: Friday, Nov 20, 2009 - 4:30 PM
Cheap: CAD
They got great quality and they won't break your wallet.
It is pretty tight, right now in musiciansfriend dude, you can get a 7-Mic Cad Mic Pack for like... $239.99 to like $289.99...
On a suggestion though man, if you are going to use drum-mics to pick up guitar and bass, you are really going to sack your drum/percussion recording sound down in a seriously bad way.
With the fact that gutiarists both bass and guitar alike, they can each direct line and record easily, so easily in fact that for I think $100 you can pick up an 2-Port M-Audio (not sure of the name, just the brand) and a laptop, throw some Cakewalk Sonar 6 XL and above or Pro-Tools and you have all that you will ever need for guitar and bass recordings.
What kind of mixer are you going to use to power the mics? Etc. etc.
There are more questions that I can answer bro, I just need to know more!
Lemmie know!
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